
20 1 6

Four stars out of five for the great plot.

Author: NoNameIsWorkin

Genre: Mystery/Thriller


The riveting summary pulled me in. It was like an amazing trailer to a good movie. However, I felt that the author was mostly focused on character building, which slowed down the action in the story. Yes, it's  important to give each character a good background story, but it would be best to give that dedication to just the main characters. For this genre, it's important to keep readers in suspense. By putting all that extra information about each character in the story, the author breaks the suspense so often that there isn't much left to keep readers on their toes, except for those bone-chilling moments when something unexpected happens.

Note: I would recommend rating this book as mature because of the amount of violence.

The plot is unique. Nothing like you've ever read. It's amazing that someone could come up with something this brilliant.

The settings and characters are described pretty well.

Dylan is an absolutely fantastic character. He may be weak as a person (and a bit on the psychotic side), but he's different on the aspects of being suicidal. Instead of going through with his thoughts of committing, he reacts in anger and lashes out on those who are the cause for all his pain and suffering. I feel this sends a message to people, even though Dylan got punished for what he did.

Spelling mistakes are to be expected as the author is still busy editing.

I absolutely love the title and feel it links well with the rest of the book. Legacy is such a good choice. It refers not only to Dylan's literal legacy, but also to the consequences of one's actions.

This book is definitely worth the read. An absolute must for Mystery/Thriller fans!

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