Life Reformat

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Three stars out of five for the concept of this book.

Author: HannaMuhr

Genre: Science fiction/Mystery


The plot escalates very quickly with Blythe becoming Kyle, then slows down. I'm assuming that this story is far from over and that there is much more to come.

The settings were well-described. Kyle's heightened senses contributed to adding detail into the descriptions.

Kyle seems to be going through an inner turmoil about everything that has happened to him. He refuses to show this to anyone and this leads the reader to believe that he will crack one day (or perhaps, very soon). The fact that he used to be a girl can create a lot of confusion about his sexuality. In chapter 7, Kyle mentions that as Blythe, he was straight (i.e. liked men). Now that he's a man, he isn't used to women being interested in him and it's difficult to get used to. Some readers might wonder why Kyle isn't gay, since that would be logical as he used to be interested in men and can't seem to shake that off.

The title of the book is very clever. It refers to changing a life. In this case, it would mean changing Blythe's life when she becomes Kyle.

The grammar in this book could be improved.

I'm hoping to see this book improve as the author finishes it. There's always room for improvement and growth.

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