The Amragen Hunter

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Three stars out of five for the plot of the book.

Author: Rachellipson01

Genre: Fantasy


The plot is a bit slow (for me). When I read the summary, it made me excited to read the book. Then, I started reading the prologue (which was really good) and the first chapter. It didn't slow down gradually, but slowed immediately. It's an effect that was almost tangible.

The settings could be described more (so far the only setting described is the guest bedroom in the palace). What does the place look like? What can the characters smell/see/touch/hear?

Cassandra describes the guest bedroom as a fairytale princess room. This could be true, since it's located in the palace. However, people usually don't spend as much money on guest bedrooms as they do on their own bedrooms.

The chapters might be a little short.

I find the Prince's ways of communicating to Cassandra unrealistic. If he just wanted to see her, he could've summoned her (instead of kidnapping her and letting someone change her clothes while she was unconscious). The Prince sending a letter to someone in his castle reminds me of modern families sending each other texts while sitting next to each other — it's illogical and impractical, a waste of paper and money. Even rich people know to save money.

Unique expressions such as, "Wait a lily scented moment," and, "Where the frog's bottom did this come from?" create humorous moments in the book.

The story about The Ghost Of The White Lady already exists on an interactive decision-making game on PlayStore. I can't remember which, but the author might want to change this small detail in the book as it's already taken.

Yet, again, another original book by Rachellipson01!

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