Chapter 2: Setting sail ! A new adventure awaits !!

Start from the beginning

Makino: Is that right ? I guess I don't understand.

Luffy: that's right, you don't.

Makino: Speaking of Y/n, he isn't with you today ? That's quite rare.

Luffy: yeah, he decided to take a stroll on the mountains; I think he's trying to find these bandits himself.

At that moment, the door of the tavern opened, and a familiar crowd entered.

Higuma: Make way for the Terror of the highlands !

Luffy: Wha...

Higuma: No pirates today, eh ? Smells better... And that brat isn't here either. We were in the area, so we stopped by.

Higuma: What're you waiting for ? We're customers ! SERVE US DRINKS !!!


Makino: MAYOR ! We've got a problem !

Mayor: What's wrong, Makino ?!

Makino: It's Luffy, and the mountain bandits !

Higuma: You've got a strange body, boy. Our punches and kicks aren't hurting you at all.

Citizen 1: Hey ! We gotta go help Luffy !

Citizen 2: Are you crazy ?! Those mountains bandits would kill us ! Besides, Luffy's the one that started the fight !

Luffy: Darn you !! You'd better take it back !! YOU JERK !!

he tried to punch him, but his "as-strong-as-a-pistol" punch missed continuously.

Higuma: there sure are some weird creatures in the world... Eh, rubber boy ?

He just threw Luffy around, making him bounce on the ground, like some sort of rubber ball.

Luffy: DARN YOU !!! I'll make you so sorry for this !!

Higuma: I've discovered a new life form. Maybe I'll sell you to a freak show... I bet they'll bay good money for you.

Once again, Luffy got up, and tried to hit him with a stick he picked up.

Higuma: You stubborn little... BRAT !!

Once again, Luffy failed, as Higuma firmly planted his foot on his head.

Higuma: I was just drinking and talking to my men. I didn't say anything to offend you.


Citizen: Curse that Luffy ! Why'd he have to pick a fight with those guys ?!


Mayor: Let the boy go ! Please !!

At that moment, the Mayor arrived and tried to beg them to release Luffy.

He even went to his knees, pleading for Luffy's life.

Mayor: I don't know what Luffy did, and I have no intention of fighting you people, but if it's money you want, you'll get it. Just don't hurt the boy !

Higuma: Nice try, old man. You know how the world works.

Higuma: but I'm afraid it's too late. No one can save this brat now. He's done the unpardonable... He attacked me... And he called me names. I can't take that from this little rubber-spined freak ! And while I'm at it, if I can find that white-haired brat, I wouldn't complain...

Luffy: YOU started this, bandit ! You mountain macaque ! Just wait until Y/n hear about this !!

Higuma: That does it. I'm not gonna sell you. I'm gonna kill you !

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