CH43: Family

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"It's not that bad," Grey said shrugging before they started walking towards the dining hall.

"Highly doubtful," his sister remarked as they walked back towards where the others were.

They found Solas, Ezreal, Lux, Garen, Katarina, Nidalee, Sona, and Aki who just joined them sitting in two tables beside each other.

"Hey, Ahri. Sorry I wasn't around this morning," The Shy summoner apologized for her earlier absence.

"It's okay, you had your reasons," The Fox Vastayan replied sitting beside her friend.

Aki then noticed the new arrival, "Uhmm… w-who are you?" she asked in her usual shy manner.

"The newest champion," Tiara replied and glared at the summoner, who started shaking. "Now, who are YOU supposed to be?"

Aki was too nervous to answer, Ahri was about to stand up for her but Brite beat her to the punch. "Hey, leave her alone. She didn't do anything."

The Dancer started glaring at the Silver Knight who glared right back. Their staring contest was broken by someone's shouting, "Hey, Grey, Ahri."

The two of them looked back to see Annie walk up to them. The Dark child took a seat from another table and put it between Ahri and Grey before sitting on it.

"Hi, Annie. Good to see you," the fox Vastaya greeted accepting a quick hug from the Pyromancer.

"How are you doing these days? Is Tibbers taking care of you?" the Abyss Watcher asked receiving a nod.

"Yup, as long as I have Tibbers, I'm not afraid of anything," Annie replied raising her bear that glowed slightly in response.

"Uhmm… excuse me, Grey, but who is this?" Solas asked never meeting Annie before.

Tiara was also wondering who she was, but more importantly, what was a child doing in a place meant for battle.

"This is Annie, the Dark Child, a champion," Grey said surprising the two. "She's also a Pyromancer."

If Tiara and Solas didn't look surprised before, then they definitely did now. "Really? At that age?" the First Born noted.

"Yes, and a very powerful one, too," The Abyss Watcher added ruffling Annie's hair making her giggle. "In fact, I don't doubt that when Annie gets older, she'll give the Witch of Izalith herself a run for her money."

Solas couldn't help but show how impressed he was. Meanwhile, Annie had her attention on Tiara.

"Who are you, lady?" Annie asked curiously.

Meanwhile, everyone but Grey tensed. Ahri created an Orb of deception Deception between her tails. She might have stayed peaceful for now, but if Tiara even as much as tries to insult the young Pyromancer, then Tibbers will be the least of her problems.

"I'm Grey's sister, Tiara. Nice to meet you, Annie," the Dancer replied in a kind tone that forced everyone but Grey to double take. "So you're a Pyromancer? Can you do this?" Tiara raised her left hand and, to everyone's surprise, flames started appearing.

"Wow! You're like me," Annie said raising her own hand and creating her own flames.

"Kinda, but I only know a few tricks," Tiara said before seeing everyone but Grey giving her a surprised look. "What?" she asked harshly.

"Nothing," Solas shook his head his expression not changing. "It's just… we didn't expect you to…" he trailed off looking for the right word.

"Be good with kids?" Tiara guessed.

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