Chapter Thirty-Five

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I open my eyes and look at my surroundings for a few seconds. Once I successfully remember my name, I stretch my body out and let out a weird but happy sound. I put my hands over the covers and stare at the ceiling with a smile.

Life is good.

I got hugged and comforted good.

I feel good.

Once I've taken a shower and dressed myself in the most comfortable clothes ever. I started heading downstairs to shove a big-ass amount of food inside my stomach.

I find Blake rapping while watching some movie on the couch. "Good morning, brother."

He turns around with a fake horrified expression. "Morning. Should I be worried that you actually woke up in the morning?"

Yeah, I've been sleeping all day after school these past months. And today is my least favorite day which is Sunday but the luck is on my side because it's only a little left until Christmas break. Nevertheless, I roll my eyes at Blake. "Today's a good day."

He chuckles. "You know it's Sunday, right?"

I nod. "Yup and we may have school tomorrow but it's going to be only that day for quite some time." I say. "Christmas break is coming, beautiful people." I say, singing slightly.

He laughs. "And all of us. Everyone in our gang is spending it with us. We are all eighteen and adults. It's going to be lit."

I gasp. "You convinced our parents dearest, to leave us alone again?"

He nods. "Yes. The power of Blake, the god of communication."

I laugh wickedly. "That's the way we do it." I say, running to him to wrap him in a big victory bear hug.

He chuckles. "Alright, alright, you big pig."

I break the hug first and look around the house. "Why are we alone?" I ask, referring to our friends absence.

They said they'll spend the weekend here. Weird.

"Someone is looking for us and missing us, I see." Ava appears from the kitchen first, followed by everyone else.

I debate whether to use violence or to just talk to Stephen about the snitching problem. A thought about Damon's worried face yesterday appears in my mind and I decide to just let him be. "I thought I finally got rid of them." I say, jokingly followed by a gasp.

"Burn." Blake says from behind me.

Asher chuckles. "I guesses no getting rid of us, yet."

"Shut up, people. Breakfast is ready." Violet yells.

"About time." Mike says, looking wickedly at Violet.

"Okay. We didn't need to see that." I say, looking at them with suspicion.

Something definitely happened.

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