Chapter Seven

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"No chosen words when you're keeping me company."



I do feel a little better. I'll gladly admit that. It didn't turn out the way he thought it would. But I do feel better, and I realized a lot of things. Okay maybe only one.

I can't make myself torture another human being for my interests once again.

So, no more hanging out with him.

In conclusion, I've been distancing myself lately. I don't see Damon or any of the guys as much as I used to. Instead, I've been focusing on myself and learning to be independent in this fresh city. Not to have the need for Blake's company every time I want to go out.

Sure, I've been getting lonely in the process. The difference is that instead of needing someone to fill that void, I've been filling it myself. Now that I think about it, I still have no idea how I managed to pull that off.

Guess I still have some awesome things inside me that can bring genuine surprise.

Another thing is that I've been trying to remove the toxicity school brings in my life. For as long as I remember, I've been investing all my energy into school. Now, instead of doing that, I've been returning or rather investing it back to me.

Three words: I love it.

You'd be surprised how easily things work out when you don't give away your energy or when you're indifferent to whether it works out or not. Plus, a bad grade does not define you or your intelligence.

Boom, life lesson.

I close my eyes whilst walking around the familiar park, enjoying the beautifully ravishing smell of bloomed trees.

I like seeing green. I like the way it reminds me of fresh new life and opportunities. When I look from my window and see brand new leaves formed, it fuels my heart with hope that I myself might bloom like the new flowers too.

"Hey, are you okay?" A soft voice echoes through in my silent mind.

Fuck, it's not in my mind but rather in the present tense.

I open my eyes and see two beautiful girls occupying my eyesight. One was with enchanting green eyes and dark blonde hair which reached all the way to her waist.

The second girl- clearly the more outspoken one was with dark hair, charming brownish eyes and a gentle smile that seemed- almost motherly.

Fuck, I'm going insane.

I've gotten used to hanging out with boys, it seems like I've forgotten my manners when talking with females.

"We're currently taking first aid courses for driving lessons, if you're not feeling well." Says the green eyed one.

I gather my thoughts and speak up. "I'm excellent, girls. Thank you for offering your help. I'm sure you'll crush it with your courses."

"I have to say, we adored your confidence when you were walking alone."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong with walking alone?"

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