Chapter Twenty-Eight

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You know when people are all like- Why aren't you talking to or texting someone? Like, what's the point? I do that for what exactly, remind me again? So I can get to know someone and watch them exit my life like I exit the room to go to the bathroom when I have diarrhea?

Question is: What exactly do I do with the information that's been gathered? I can't just throw it in the trash or wish for it to be magically forgotten.

Okay, moving on Veronica. Today's news are that I've officially come back to America, and that I sprained my ankle.

Meh, Veronica, nothing a little ice can't fix. And I'm not a brunette anymore. Instead, I am entering this stage as a black stallion. I mean, black hair. The results are honestly so freaking breathtaking, it makes me wanna kiss myself if I could.

Oh, kinky.

Moving on, nobody is aware of that information, considering the fact that I haven't told a single soul.

Asher is actually picking me up this time. I'm just concerned about how the frick am I supposed to exit this plane with my messed up leg.

Knock it out loser, you can walk, it just hurts a little. I haven't talked to anyone verbally for days, is it possible that I start speaking weirdly in some monkey language or something?

And now I'm being weird.

I think you are just excited, Veronica, darling.

I shake my head as I welcome the visible change of warmth and smell in the yet familiar air. I kind of missed this place. I drag my suitcase with me as I search for the familiar handsome face whilst pushing back the feeling of my ankle painfully bouncing up and down.

"No way." I hear someone call out with a screech.

I tilt my head and see a whole group of people gathered together. Wait a minute. "Come on sissy, don't make me come there to bring you myself." I hear Blake's familiar voice.

I roll my eyes and smile. "I'm coming you idiot."

They are all here. Does that mean-? He wouldn't come, would he?

"Is it too late now to say-" Blake starts singing.

"Sorry." Mike joins in.

"Surprise." Blake finishes. The thing is, they said that at the same time, and now they are glaring at each other. Blake gasps. "Why would you ruin my remix?"

Mike scowls. "How could I possibly say that when-"

I cut in. "Okay. That's enough. No hugs for me, huh?"

All of them point their gazes at me. And suddenly, I'm attacked, literally. "Guys." I grit out, chuckling nervously. "Guys! Easy, my leg."

They all remove themselves from me after a moment. "What's with your leg?" Blake asks.

"I sprained it while boxing."

In His EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora