Chapter One

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"Everything is calm and quiet. The previous chaos is now a history."



I'd like to congratulate myself for getting the thing I've longed for ever since I can remember. You see, I would probably declare myself as a freedom loving type of girl and I like being alone in every meaning of the word.

My luck smiled down on me when mine and my cousin's parents got a promotion to work together in another country. I don't remember nor I care about the place. What matters is that me and my cousin did a lot of convincing for them to let us live together in America.

And we succeeded.

The thing I hate most is having to explain anything or have my parents control me. I loathe being told what to do or having someone breathe in my neck every time I make a step. I'm aware of my choices and I've been given this life to live it myself. That's why I'm standing in the airport, waiting for Blake, who was originally supposed to pick me up on time.

Blake's originally my cousin, our fathers are brothers. But I consider him as a brother along with the fact that he's one of the coolest people on this planet. He takes second place after my safe space and best person ever... Eminem.

When I finally spot Blake, I sigh mentally and prepare for all of the food I'm about to eat once I get to the house. Hell, I'd eat the fridge too if I had to.

Blake's features were very similar to mine and most of the time, people considered us as twins. Blake had the same light brown hair as me, the only difference being that my hair naturally goes lighter and lighter as it grows more. He had light brown eyes whilst mine were the same, only with dark green rings.

He was well built and spent a lot of his time training box, one of his qualities I was most fascinated about. I, myself have a very great talent in boxing, only my parents didn't think I was for it because I was too aggressive. I would like to agree with that. But that doesn't mean I would stop boxing forever.

When Blake's slightly taller figure ran towards me and brought me in for a very tight and big bear hug, I couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. I really was a fan of hugs, especially if the other person is taller and smells good.

"Hello, my little sister." He says, breaking apart the hug with a genuine smile.

"You're happy to see me. Who wouldn't?" I say with a proud smile. "I missed you too, little brother." I joke, using the fact that I'm three months older.

He rolls his eyes playfully and comes behind me, taking two of my suitcases in his hands. "Follow me."

I take the remaining luggage in my arms and I start walking silently behind Blake. Another of Blake's quality that I liked was the silence. He talked, but he knew the right time and I could enjoy my silence when I hung out with him.

I smile and admire the familiar beauty Blake calls his car. It was a present he'd gotten from his parents when he turned sixteen. The car was a beautiful 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee in black. I've rewatched a lot of 'Fast and furious' movies as a kid and since then, I've taken interest in these fascinating machines.

I admire it one last time before handing the luggage to Blake and getting in the passenger seat. Blake always liked to keep his car smelling nice with a manly and strange, but quite nice smell.

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