Chapter Twenty-Five

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I've always wondered about the feeling when you can't freaking wait for some upcoming event to finally arrive. Five minutes end up feeling like hours of constant waiting, taking the school bell as an example, it literally says that it'll ring in thirty seconds but it feels more like thirty minutes.

I've never felt that type of anticipation in life- except for school- because everything I ever looked forward to would always be ripped away from my arms, it's not like some person did that- life did. I'd spend so much planning and expecting but in the end, something always happens that indicates me not making my plans a reality.

It was in those moments that I realised nothing will ever hurt you as bad as life can. So I learned to lower the things that made my life miserable and avoid planning and thinking about my plans.

Here I am, trying my best not to freak out or something like that. The thing is, I can't stop overthinking hundred unimportant and unrealistic scenarios in my head. But this time, they're all circling back to Damon.

"You have the same expression as when you're watching Venom, and I know you have the hots for him. So, please fill us in on what the heck is happening." Violet breaks me apart from my thoughts, making me grateful that I'm finally detached from them.

"I'm invested too. Spill before Blake and the guys come back." Ava says, leaning on her hand as she watches me carefully.

"I would kiss Venom if I could." I say, trying to imagine the scene, but instead of Venom, my mind projects a kissing scene with Damon and that is a damn good sight.

"So you are thinking about kissing someone, we all know who that someone is." Violet says, winking at me.

"Stop speaking about it, you're making it worse for me." I say, pointing my index finger at them. "You two really have a way of putting things in my mind."

They give each other a glance and start laughing histerically. "She's so delusional, I love it." Ava comments.

I scoff. "I'm literally here."

Violet gives me a pointed look. "Yeah, physically, not emotionally."

I shake my head, feeling confused. "What does that even mean?"

"I can help, what are you guys talking about?" Asher appears, coming back from the kitchen with snacks in both his hands.

I give them a threat glare, warning them to keep their mouth shut. "Just thoughts on some movies." I lie.

"What movie for example?" He asks, invested in the topic.

Ava gives me a wicked smile before saying. "Like 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' you know? The one with lots of kissing scenes." She giggles as she watches my reaction.

I hate them.

"A bit overrated if you ask me." Asher answers. "What do you think about the new Marvel movies?" He asks.

"Thor 4 absolutely disappointed me. Dr. Strange was adequately good, could've been better." I say.

Asher nods. "That's what I'm saying. Thor was bad, and I had such high hopes for it."

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