Chapter Thirty-Two

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Lately, I've been doing pretty great, actually. I feel this peace inside of me. Oh, and whoever said that your thoughts create your own reality, they were totally right.

I've been chilling and working on myself lately. I mean, that's what's most important in the end now, isn't it? I've been saving money for college back home.

I've been focusing on school too. Asher's been hanging out with us more and Blake and Ava are definitely together now, I just couldn't understand how he managed to ask her the big question.

Regardless, today is a beautiful day and I've been planning it for some time now. It's my little bro's birthday.

That's right. Blake's turning eighteen today. And me being me, I had to plan something spectacular to make sure he spends his day perfectly.

Too bad I don't have this type of energy when it comes to my birthday. I mean, you can't exactly plan and throw yourself a party, Veronica.

Don't be ungrateful.

Nevertheless, I managed to get myself out of bed earlier to start the day and do something. Firstly, I wished Blake a happy birthday about a hundred times and then I kicked him out of the house to go hang out with his girlfriend.

Asher's in on this too. He offered to help and called the guys to see if they can come help too. He should be here any minute now.

I spot the presents that I got for Blake and smile in satisfaction. He's going to be really happy. My smile drops when I see the black bracelet sitting on my desk. Truth is, I've been scared to move that little shit. Maybe he put some curse on it, you never know.

I jump when I hear a knock on the door. Shit. "Blake? That you?"

"Yes, honey. So, you can open the door now." I hear a fake girly voice.

I laugh. "Come in, Ash."

I totally forgot I told him to get inside the house without ringing the bell. "Hello, love." He says, entering my room.


"I called the guys. They said they'll be here. Violet too."

I nod. "Good. Did you invite some other people that Blake knows?"

"Yup. Did that too."

"Thanks, Ash. I appreciate the help."

"Don't worry about it. Always here to help. So, what's bugging you?" He says, coming beside me and nudging me playfully.

"I actually don't know what to wear." I say, rubbing my chin whilst thinking of some fits that have potential.

"Just wear something simple."

"I can't go with simple. I'm an elite human being." I say gasping when the perfect plan appears in my mind. "Oh my god, that's it. Listen, Ash."

He chuckles. "I'm listening."

"I'm going to get the things from my closet and show them to you. Okay?"

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