Chapter 1

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As you stood outside the stadium, hundreds of fans walked around you, excited for the concert that was to start in a few short hours. You had made the long 6-hour drive with your best friend, Tia, and you were so excited to finally be there. You hadn't been to one of their concerts before so you weren't exactly sure what would happen, but you knew it was going to be big, based on the energy you felt just from being there.

You were lucky – you and Tia had somehow scored floor seats to the show. The day tickets went on sale, you and Tia worked tirelessly to get them. You had 4 laptops, three phones and an iPad all set and ready to go when the moment arrived. When you got into the pre-queue for the ticket seller on two of the laptops and one phone you both shrieked. When tickets officially went on sale Tia monitored 2 laptops and a phone and you monitored the rest. You were going to fight with everything you had to get tickets. You were hoping for soundcheck tickets, but as you began frantically clicking on seats to buy, you and Tia both kept receiving that annoying message that someone else had bought them. You would not give up, however! Finally, after what seemed like hours, Tia clicked on two for the floor and somehow the annoying message didn't come up and it asked for payment information. You tried to remain calm for her sake so she wouldn't mess up, but inside you were screaming and doing a happy dance. When the confirmation of payment appeared on the screen you both screamed and began crying. You scored floor seats to BTS.

Now that you were here, you could hardly believe it was really happening. You looked around to get your bearings. Hundreds of people lined up to get merchandise, including ARMY bombs, hand-held light sticks that, when set up correctly, changed color to the music that the band played. There was a large group of people watching a dance group that danced the boys' choreography to their songs that were being played behind them by a DJ. Nearby was a photo booth that you could have your picture taken with a fake image of one of the members. It was almost overwhelming.

"Are you hungry?" Tia asked, looking at the few food vendors onsite. "We didn't stop on the drive down."

Hungry? Was she nuts? You could barely breathe, let alone eat anything. "Not really. You?"

Tia continued to look at the vendors. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. "Yeah, kinda." Together, you walked over to the vendor with the shortest line. Surprisingly, it went fast and before you knew it, Tia had her hot dog and drink. She carried it with her as you both walked around to see the different stations. You watched the dancers for a while, wishing you had enough time to learn the choreography like they appeared to. Seemed to be a common theme in your life, you thought, frowning for a moment. Never enough time but work and taking care of your animals. But you were at the concert and you weren't going to let that minor thought interrupt your euphoria.

You turned your eyes to look at the outside of the stadium once again. In one of the upper windows, you could see what looked like 7 young men standing and watching the crowd below. You wondered what they thought as they looked down.


"Can you believe the crowd? Can you believe this many people have come to see us?" Jungkook, the youngest member of the group said as they stood at the massive full length windows overlooking the parking lots. "Can you believe that only a few short years ago we were paying people to come see our shows and now look at us."

"We've worked hard to get where we are," replied Namjoon, as he slapped Jungkook on the back. Namjoon was the leader of the group. He wasn't the eldest, but he was the first to become a member of the band, so he was the leader. The guys looked up to him and he always did his very best to be a good leader for them and their fans.

"That's right," added Jimin, the shortest member and flirt of the group, as he put his arm around fellow member Taehyung. "We've worked hard, and our fans appreciate it. They made us who we are." He said with a smile on his face. "I love ARMY." ARMY was the name of their fan base.

"Ok, enough of this love fest," said Suga agitatedly. Suga was one of the rappers of the group and was notorious for being the member with rough edges. "We have a show to do. I'm hungry. Let's eat before we get changed."

"Yes, let's eat!" exclaimed Jin, the oldest member, as he patted his flat stomach. "I'm hungry, too."

"You're always hungry, Jin." J-Hope teased. J-Hope was one of the best dancers of the group and was also a member of the "rap line" along with Namjoon and Suga. The others, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin were all part of the vocal line, as they did all the singing. All the members were talented dancers and since they practiced sometimes up to 12 hours per day, it was no wonder.

The all filed away from the window and went to find their dinner, excited to be able to perform for the crowd that was just as excited to see them.

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