Live Fast Die Young

Start from the beginning

"I would do anything for my friends." She spoke.

"Then why are you refusing to let them help you? Friends are supposed to help each other." Athena replied.

The goddess type had her eyes downcast.

"They're not stupid. Take Haruhi for instance. She knows."

Haruhi walked up to Aphe and looked up to her. "We're concerned about you."

Hani walked up to the goddess type and tugged on her shirt. "In truth, me and Kyou-chan investigated about you with Athena, since we know you have your struggles that you can't face alone. Because you will never tell us."

Aphe smiled weakly.

"I couldn't. Because it has become a part of me, perhaps the darkest and the most incorrigible side to overcome."

"You tried to attempt suicide once last year. Someone close to you died of unfavorable circumstances. Records were nonexistent but some people remember. Your senior remembers." Kyouya looked at Athena.

"Perhaps you were planning to make the host club your last stop, and I didn't want that." The brown haired senior stood up. "All of us want you to be better. I hope you can rethink your decision. You have another 2 years in this high school. Only a couple of months for me since I'm graduating."

Kyouya continued, "That person who was close to you, it's her isn't it? The girl you would write or tell stories about to your guests. She didn't die due to an accident. She took her own life."

Aphe saw Haruhi was wiping off her tears. She felt numb, standing still without uttering a word. Tamaki frowned and spoke,

"You always have that gaze. The kind of stare that belongs not in the present, could go on a million yards ahead. I've always wondered why, Aphe."

"I survived my attempt, albeit barely- but I stopped trying." Aphe confessed unapologetically.

Athena hugged the goddess type and smiled. "I shall believe that you'll get better soon. Keep on living, my dearest Aphrodite."

The purple haired girl stood still before returning the hug. It was the longest hug they shared together, accompanied by tears. But to Aphe, she could still make out the sound of whispers in her head, telling her to go ahead with her plan. These sinister whispers are the type Dr Alex wanted to treat, her burgeoning depression and DID. Aphrodite saw how he sacrificed his whole time to research more alongside his colleague. Hence it was somehow fated that he might become her future fiance, although it is obvious that it's not love, just another arrangement from the family.

Kyouya returned to his desk and checked his folders. He wanted to update more information about the goddess type. It hurts to type more details about her, as the truth sounds too bizarre for someone who is very young. Kyouya is used to people commenting how mature he looked, albeit years ahead from his age while Aphrodite is used to people saying she's like a kid, but her height saved that hence she could still get away by not being a total child.

He stopped for a while after typing about her future fiance. Is this really it? Aphrodite will get married to someone almost 15 years older than her? Kyouya felt sick to his stomach, his face gradually turned pale. He remained calm, never letting people read his emotions.

I shall talk to the doctor when I get back.

"Kyouya, I'm sorry." He heard her spoke. Kyouya turned around to see a familiar purple haired girl staring back at him dejectedly.

"You had to investigate from Hani, Athena and Mori senpai. I am offering my apology for your troubles." Aphe bowed 90 degrees before standing upright once more.

"It's fine. No need to apologize. I got what I wanted." Kyouya smiled. "I need to talk to Dr Alex about something though."

Aphrodite took a couple of seconds to guess. "Is this about the arrangement?"

"It's a secret." Kyouya adjusted his glasses and resumed his work. The younger girl narrowed her eyes before taking her leave.

Live fast, die young.

Words to live by, the greek goddess in student form thought as she changed her clothes to a casual one for the dance club. It was the same routine except it's a different day from the date where Athena exposed her secrets. She wanted her to have more friends over time, so that Aphe won't be left with her thoughts and dissociate again.

Aphrodite silently recalled the engagement issue with Dr Alex in her mind. It is something she shouldn't worry about since she's not of legal age yet. But in Ouran, it is a huge thing. Engagement means love, a lifetime relationship, a betrothal. She could've sworn if it's a girls school, engagement means segregation from freedom.

"Hey Aphe, are you okay?" Haruhi asked as she peeked at the dressing room.

"I am good."

"Ok. See you."

The goddess type adjusted her hair and put on her casual jacket. She looked at the reflection in the mirror. Pale, a bit gaunt, with seemingly two twigs as legs. It reminded her of Kyouya's thin frame, except that he's taller. She groaned and covered the mirror with a curtain. The young girl immediately left the dressing room.

"Aphrodite." Kyouya called, he was leaning against the wall as he observed her exiting the room.

"Kyouya? I didn't see you there." Aphe turned around and faced him.

"I just wanted to inform that Dr Alex is now sharing a part of his research with the Ootori group and in return he is allowed to hire bodyguards from our private police force."


"You shall have 3 new bodyguards in total."

Aphe gulped.

"Isn't this too much bodyguards for one person? Unlike you because Tachibana, Hotta and Ajima has been taking care of you since you were a child." She commented in haste.

"You'd think after I have investigated more about you, I would leave you unguarded? Think again." Kyouya smirked.

This would not happen if I didn't associate with him. Aphe thought.

"Even if you don't associate yourself with me, I'd still find a way through a business link leading towards Dr Alex." Kyouya replied, reading her mind. The younger girl shrieked a bit in response.

"Fine. One last thing before I go though, have you ever heard about the phrase Live Fast, Die Young?"

"I have. Sounds rather foolish. What of it?"

Aphrodite smiled, her eyes forming an inverted crescent as she whispered in a childlike voice,

"It is what all of us desire the most. Live fast die young, leave a beautiful corpse."

Kyouya was stunned, unable form a word. Her childlike alter was fronting; but with a very malicious intent. He recalled the incident in Haruhi's place and started to have slight tremors. Not again.

The purple haired girl was grinning in front of him. Kyouya remained composed as he phoned Dr Alex once more, asking him to pick her up on his own. Aphrodite walked away and danced on her own before leaving the room. The raven haired boy stared at her from afar, his thoughts running at the speed of light. Kyouya realized if he doesn't keep her in check, he will lose her one day.

Please come back, Ayaka.

{ The Goddess Type } Ootori Kyouya (R18)Where stories live. Discover now