"No... Not yet," I said smiling.

"Ooooh someone has a crush! Who is it?" She mocked.

"Well I was actually thinking of asking 'it' on a date tonight if that's okay with you," I said while my cheeks burned red.

"Awh you're embarrassed! How cute!"

"Shut up! I'm supposed to be the one calling you cute little girl! Is me going on a date okay with you?"

"First of all I'm 13, not little, but yeah that's fine with me as long as 'it' is someone I approve of and I can hangout with Marissa while you're gone,"

"Do you approve of Bella?" I ask nervously.

"Of course! You two would be so cute together! You're ship name could be Della! Or Bemi!"  I knew she had gotten to like Bella over the past month after she had gotten a job and moved into her own studio apartment. We invited her over a lot and Anna occasionally stayed with Bella if I had to go get something done and didn't want to leave Anna alone. I wasn't expecting that reaction though.

"Well then, it's a deal!" I said smiling. Anna made me shake on it then I prepared myself to ask Bella out.

****WARNING EXTREMELY GRAPHIC CONTENT****Since then I've stayed friends with Nick and Bella doesn't seem to mind. Bella and I agreed it'd be best for her to keep her apartment for a while for the sake of Anna's mental health. She can get jealous really easily and she's fighting mental illnesses so I didn't want to make her feel like she has to share me. My friends are all super cool about the whole me dating a girl thing too. Mar's actually invited Anna to stay the night with her multiple times to give Bella and I 'alone time'. Too bad every time that's happened Bella or I have been on our periods so we usually just end up cuddling and watching scary movies. Tonight Bella's staying over again and Anna's at Mar's. I think this time I have it planned out. She was over a week and five days ago and she was on her period so it would've ended by now and she wouldn't have gotten her next one yet and I'm not on mine so we might actually get to have sex for the first time tonight. 

My thoughts were interrupted as Bella walked in. She came and plopped down next to me on the couch.

"Hey babe," she said. My heart skipping a beat when she said that.

"Hey," I said and then softly kissed her. She leaned against me and I wrapped my arms around her. She was in jeans and a t-shirt and I was just in an oversized sweatshirt and my underwear. She rested her hand high up on my bare thigh instantly making me wet. I tried to control myself because I hadn't planned on going this fast, but God am I horny. I haven't had sex in months and I can't wait to be able to explore Bella's body. I climbed on top of Bella's lap kneeling with each leg on either side of her's, facing her, and with my hands on either side of her waist. I crashed my lips onto hers and she kissed back while her hands moved to my waist. I bit her lip begging for entrance which she granted. Our tongues danced as my groped her boob and started grinding. I thought I felt her tense up, but she kept kissing me until air became and issue.

"Dem, I'm on my period," she panted when we pulled away for a breath. I went in for another kiss while continuing to grind until I registered what she had said. I pulled back and stared at her confused.

"Bella, you were on your period over a week and a half ago. That's not normal! It's 7:00 p.m. come one we're taking you to a doctor," I said starting to get up and getting worried.

"Wait! did I say I was on my period? I meant I forgot to shave," she said nervously. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Isabella, what's going on? Do you not want to have sex? Just tell me if you don't! You know I won't force you!" I said figuring out that she was lying.

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