Chapter 49

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Demi's POV

"Um, how did you know you were lesbian?" I just blurted out. She paused for a minute, thinking, while I anxiously awaited her response.

"You know, I honestly don't know. I just fell in love with a girl, then later realized that I've never loved any guys. Falling in love with Portia removed any doubts I had about my sexuality. Love is love, you know? When you love someone it's almost impossible to deny it," she said. This time it was me who paused. I let that information sink into my head. Am I in love with Bella? "You're confused aren't you?" Ellen asked after a minute.

"I uh- yeah I guess. I don't know. I thought I liked guys and I thought I was in love with Nick, but I don't know anymore," I said truthfully as I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. 

"You're over thinking it. Just let things happen. Eventually you'll figure out who you truly love," she said. I let that sink in for a minute.

"Okay... Thanks for using your time to talk to me,"

"Demi, it's no problem, really. I'm guessing you don't want any questions about your love life asked on the interview?" she asked.

"If you could avoid that subject, that'd be great," I said while nervously laughing.

"Will do," she replied.

"Thanks," I said as we walked out of the room and I went back into mine and Anna's dressing room. Anna was still getting her makeup done. She looked like she was panicking slightly from the two makeup artists that were surrounding her. "Hey baby," I said as I walked in.

"Hey, what was that about?" she asked. Her voice slightly shaking from anxiousness.

"Nothing, it doesn't have anything to do with you. Don't worry about it," I said, coming of slightly rude although I didn't try to. Anna scrunched up her eyebrows and looked at me confused and a little bit hurt. "Sorry baby. I didn't mean to be like that, but I just- uh- you know when you don't want to talk about certain things to me?" I asked. 

"Yeah," she said softly as her head was tilted up and her eyes were shut while they did her eye makeup.

"Well, this is one of those things, except the other way around," I explained.

"But you always make me talk to you about things," she mumbled.

"Hey! I don't make you, I convince you. There's a difference," I said. She didn't seem satisfied. "I promise I'll tell you eventually. I'm just um- trying to make sense of it myself right now," I said. 

"Fine," she huffed. 

After we both were finished getting ready we watched the show backstage until it was time for us to go on. 

"Alright, so now I have two special guests for you guys. Everyone please welcome Demi Lovato, and the winner of The X Factor, Anna Brown," Ellen announced which was our cue to go on. I held Anna's hand and squeezed it tight to reassure her as we walked on, waving to the audience. When we got to the couch Ellen clipped out mics on for us. "Hi, how are you guys?" Ellen asked.

"We're pretty good," I said as I looked at Anna and watched her smile and nod.

"So we have a lot to cover in this 15 minutes. The first thing I want to talk about is how your guys' relationship came to be. Nobody really knows the full story. It's kind of crazy how we watched you two on X Factor and then all the tabloid headlines were suddenly 'Demi Lovato's fostering X Factor's Anna Brown'," Ellen said. I opened my mouth to say something along the lines of 'That story is kind of personal, but I just completely fell in love with that adorable little girl on X Factor', but Anna cut me off.

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