Chapter 27

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Anna's POV

I've been living with Demi for over a week now. I feel so bad because she's been putting everything on hold for me. I haven't really slept much because when I sleep I get nightmares which wake up Demi and causes more trouble for her. I stay awake on my phone at night. Sometimes Demi will come and check on me so I'll just act like I'm sleeping so she doesn't get worried and she can go back to sleep. We are going to start recording my album today. I went through all my songs and found a couple that weren't too deep or about anything I don't want people to know about. It was hard to find them because there were so few of them. I'm gonna record the one Jake heard the first time I met him today. It's not a very personal song so it should be okay to go on the album. Demi has been trying to get me to let writer's help me on the album. I don't want people writing for me or even co writing. I want to write on my own. I want the album to actually mean something to me. I want it to be personal, but not too personal, you know?

Demi's POV

Anna has been scaring me this past week. She's been alone in her room a lot. She doesn't want to talk to me about anything unless it's music, and she hasn't really been eating much. She hasn't let me hug her or cuddle with her since the night we did the live stream and she always seems tired. She is reminding me a lot of myself before treatment and that's really scary. I should know how to talk to her about stuff like that, but for some reason I don't. I know how it feels when people try and push you to talk and I don't want to do that to her. I'm just praying that it isn't what it seems like. 

Today I'm taking Anna to the studio to record a song for her album. She refuses to let anyone help her write and I respect that. On the car ride to the studio I could tell she was getting nervous. I lead her to the recording booth where her whole team was waiting already. She got even more nervous when she saw all of them in the booth. I grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring look. This was the first time in forever that she let me hold her hand without pulling away. We got everything set up and then Anna went into the room to start recording. She started singing and then she stopped after just a couple lines. She looked mad at herself. "Why'd you stop? It sounded great!" I said.

"I don't know. I messed up," she said and then they started the music over for her. This time she got a little further before she stopped. "Can we start over?" she asked. I could tell she was getting frustrated. They started the music over and she stopped in the middle again. She was really frustrated now. I don't even know why she is stopping. I don't hear her messing up or getting off pitch at all. "I can't do this," she said defeated. 

"Anna you're sounding great. I don't know why you're stopping. Try it one more time," I said. They started the music again. She got really far this time before she stopped. I started to open my mouth to tell her how good she did, but she took her headphones of and made her way out of the room. I went to grab her but she started running. She went and locked herself in the bathroom. The rest of her team followed me. "Anna, what's wrong? Talk to me baby," I said to her from the otherside of the bathroom door. I hear her crying. "Guys can you please go back to the recording booth so I can talk to her?" I said to her team. The went back to the booth. "Anna please open the door," I said trying to keep my cool. I was obviously really worried and confused by what had just happened. 

"Leave me alone! You don't get it! I just want to be alone right now!" she shouted at me. I had never heard her get that angry. I slid my back down the wall so I was sitting on the floor with my head in my hands. I just listened to her cry and realized that I was crying too now. I waited for her crying to slow down and I pulled myself together.

"Anna, I know you want to be alone, but sometimes being alone makes things worse. I know right now I don't understand what's going on, but if you tell me maybe I can help," I said.

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