Chapter 71

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Anna's POV:

After a long day of traveling, we were finally home and quite exhausted. It wasn't even that late if you factored in the time change, but something about sitting on a plane for eight hours really took a lot out of a person. I honestly wasn't feeling the greatest either. I think Demi was able to tell because she kept asking me if I was okay, but I always said I was fine because I didn't want to stress her out.

I was currently laying on the couch in the living room while Demi was making something in the kitchen, some sort of soup, I think. It would just be the two of us tonight because Bella had work so she had to be back at her house and I had my egg retrieval procedure tomorrow. Demi assured me that it would be fine, but I was beyond nervous. At my fertility appointment, the doctor had said there was a chance Demi wouldn't be allowed in the operating room with my and if that really was the case, I don't know what I would do with myself.

"Hey sweetheart, wanna come sit at the table? I made some chicken noodle soup." Demi shouted from the kitchen.

I slowly sat up and carefully walked over to Demi; by this point I was feeling really weak and achy.

"Are you okay, Anna?" Demi asked, placing the pot of soup down when she saw the state I was in.

I nodded and took a seat at the island counter. Demi walked over to me and put her hand on my back.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked again, obviously not convinced.

"Just tired." I stated.

"Okay, well we can eat our soup in the living room and watch a movie then." Demi suggested.

As much as I felt like just laying down and going to bed, it did sound nice to have something to distract me from what was scheduled for tomorrow. I knew that if I went to bed early, the morning would come sooner and I defiantly didn't want that.

I nodded my head at Demi and allowed her to help me up, leaning on her as she walked me back over to the couch. She then went back to the kitchen and poured two bowls of soup, bringing them to the living room with her. She sat next to me and placed both our bowls on the coffee table in front of us. I could see steam rising from my bowl so I decided I would wait a little while to eat it.

"What do you wanna watch?" Demi asked.

I shrugged my shoulder- I honestly didn't care at this point.

"Okay, well how about mean girls?" Demi asked, growing excited.

I laughed a little. Demi was so obsessed with mean girls it wasn't even funny.

"I'm taking your laughter as a yes." Demi said, chuckling and turning the TV on to Netflix.

Once she had it turned on, she picked up her soup and began eating it. She showed no signs of discomfort from heat so I figured it would be fine to eat mine too. I picked up my bowl and began to spoon little bits into my mouth. I'm not exactly sure why, but after only a few bites I began to feel nausea and had to put it back down. Demi gave me a questioning look, but I shrugged her off. She obviously didn't buy it though because she paused the movie to look at me.

"Anna, what's wrong?" She asked, shifting on the couch so she was criss-cross-applesauce.

"I'm feeling a little sick." I stated, holding my stomach.

Demi looked concerned.

"Like crampy or throw up sick?" Demi asked.

"A little of both I guess." I mumbled.

I didn't really have cramps per say because I wasn't on my period anymore, but I did feel really achy and like I needed to throw up.

Demi nodded and brought her hand up to my forehead. I watched as her face turned from moderate to severe concern.

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