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Hey guys!! This is demiLOVEato92 and I just have a few quick questions for you all!! First, if any of you having any suggestions for me I would love to hear them!! You can message me with drama ideas, cute moment ideas and stuff on my account (demiLOVEato92 ) because it would be really helpful in the idea process. Also, if you're interested, on my account I just published a new Demi/Maddie fanfic that's super dramatic and the first few chapters are up so I'd love if you checked that out. And again, please message me cute vacation ideas or just in general ideas for this because I'm WAY better and drama than I am cuteness so help a sista out.

If you give me and idea and I like it, I'll give ya a shoutout in the next chapter for it and possible write you a character... Thanks, that's all!! 😊
PS next update is Thursday I'm pretty sure unless you reach the early update goal like ya'll did last time!!

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