Chapter 65

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Anna's POV:

"Now calling flight 365 to Bora Bora, flight 365 to Bora Bora." We heard over the intercom at LAX airport.

Demi, Bella and I were sitting right by the gate so we would be the first on the plane when they called first class. Demi was being particularly over protective today. She wouldn't let me out of her sight... I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone. It had been months since she had been this careful with me. I knew she just wanted to keep me safe, but just because I had cancer didn't mean I couldn't do anything on my own. I was 13, almost 14 in a few weeks and Demi was still treating me like a child. I guess I wasn't that mad though. I loved Demi so much and I knew I'd miss her when I was grown so I was just gonna try to enjoy her company now.

"Alright, let's go ladies." Demi said, grabbing my hand and her carry on bag in the other.

I let her hold onto me because at that point in the day, I was feeling a little shaky from all the walking through security and stuff. We quickly walked the tunnel, showing our tickets and boarding the plane. We were in first class so our seats were at the very front of the plane. There were 3 big leather seats to the row. I took the window seat with Demi next to me and Bella on the aisle.

"How are you feeling?" Demi asked as soon as we were seated.

I sighed. She had asked me this like 20 times already today.

"I'm good really Demi." I said, as I watched people from business and coach board the plane.

Demi nodded before turning her attention to Bella. I think she could tell that I wasn't really in the mood for anything.

I don't exactly know why, but ever since I was diagnosed again it was like I had no positivity anymore. I knew this vacation was supposed to be fun and stuff, but all I could think about was the fertility appointments and the brain surgery I was scheduled for- not to mention the months of chemo that awaited me. I knew Demi told me not to worry and that she would be right there, but that didn't change the fact that I really didn't wanna do any of this. I was 13 going on 14, I had already had cancer twice, lost my best friend to the very same thing, was in a cruise ship accident that killed my whole family, was raped, had severe mental illness problems and was said to never be able to have children. It didn't seem fair. Now I knew I was blessed more than most people- I had Demi, won the X-Factor and had the ability to produce music for a living, but I just couldn't see any of that right now. I was too... overwhelmed maybe? Depressed maybe? Both? I wasn't sure. All I knew was that the future scared the shit out of me, that was, if I would even be lucky enough to have a future.

A/N: Hey guys!! Good job on earning an early update.. Here it is. Sorry it's short, the next chapters should be longer and more action packed. I have a quick question: do and if you read my stories (demiLOVEato92 )? If not, I would love if you checked my story Catch Me out because once it gets to 5k reads I'm publishing one of the other fanfics I have been working on :)
Anyway, thanks for reading.

Next Update: Thursday
Early Update: 40 votes and 10 comments

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