Chapter 52

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Demi POV:

I rushed over to the puking girl and rubbed her back. Her hair was still short enough that she didn't have any trouble with it being in the way.

After was done puking she shakily stood up straight and wiped her mouth off with her sleeve. She looked pale and barely had the energy to support herself.

"Come here sweetie." I said, holding my arms open for her.

She slowly turned around and I easily lifted her onto my hip, holding her in place.

"Thank you for calling me Mar. I'm sorry this happened." I said, giving Marissa a side hug and walking out of the bathroom with Anna.

"It's no problem Demi. I hope Anna feels better. Please call me if you need anything." she said, leading me back out to the elevator.

I could hear silent sobs from Anna as I walked back to the car. I just stroked her back, trying to get her to relax some. When I got to the car, I unlocked the door and gently placed her in the passenger seat, moving back around to get in myself. Anna instantly curled back up into a ball, letting out small whimpers.

"I'm sorry baby. We'll be home soon." I said as I started the car, driving home as fast as I could.

When we finally arrived home, I brought a now sleeping Anna up to her room. I gently laid her down on the bed, attempting not to wake her. I failed however. As soon as her body came in contact with the bed, her eyes shot open and she began to whimper again.

"Do you feel any better, Anna?" I asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.

She just rolled toward me and hid her head in my stomach, her tears soaking my shirt. I guess that was a no.

"I'm sorry baby. I'll go get you some medicine real quick." I said, gently moving Anna so I could stand up.

She whined a little when I did this.

"I know baby. It's okay. I'll be right back." I said, running downstairs to grab some Ibuprofen and a glass of water.

When I came back up Anna was on the floor, so I rushed over to her to make sure she was okay.

"Anna! Baby, are you okay? Why are you on the floor?" I asked, concern in my voice.

She rolled over and looked confused for a second as if she didn't realize she was on the floor.

"Anna." I tried again.

She didn't even acknowledge me. She just keep the same confused look on her face as she stared off into space. I gently scooped her up off the floor and put her back on the bed.

"Demi?" she asked a second later.

"Yeah, baby it's me. What's wrong?" I asked.

She shook her head, still not 100 percent aware, before breaking down into sobs again.

"Demi, it hurts!" she cried.

Oh my god what was happening to her?

"I know baby. I have some medicine." I said, helping her into a sitting position and placing the pill in her hand

She looked down at it confused.

"Baby, you put it in your mouth." I said, concerned as to why she was acting like this.

She didn't move at all so I took the pill from her hand and gently forced it into her throat, holding the water up to her lips and telling her to swallow. After a minute she did so I allowed her to lay back down. I sat on the edge of her bed and gently stroked her short hair until she fell asleep. Hopefully she would be back to normally by the morning.

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