Chapter 5

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Demi's POV

It had been a really long day at the X Factor auditions in L.A. You would think that in such a big area there would be some amazing talent but most of it was just average. There were some really terrible auditions and a couple really good ones, but I wasn't too impressed. I was starting to get antsy and I think Simon was getting annoyed with me, but oh well. We were down to the last few auditions of the day. I was loosing focus fast. I was finishing writing down notes as the last contestant walked onto the stage. I was not in a good mood. I didn't even realize she was on stage until Simon started asking the usual questions. "Hello, what is your name?" He said in his accent.

"Anna Brown," She replied. I looked up and I saw a gorgeous little girl that was about the size of an 8 year old, but you could tell she was older because of how she was dressed and how she handled herself. She had a huge smile on her face that was contagious. You could tell she was nervous as her hands were shaking. I took over the questions.

"First let me say that you are so adorable! How old are you?"

"Thanks... I'm thirteen," She replied professionally. There was something about her that I really liked. I couldn't figure out what, but I had a good feeling about her.

"Who did you bring with you today?"

"Just my friend Jake," I was really curious about her. 

"Just a friend huh?" I looked at her raising my eyebrows and giving her a suspicious smile. She just threw her head back and laughed at me. Then she nodded her head embarrassed.

"What would you do with the money if you won?"

"Well I don't really need it so I'd probably donate it to childrens cancer research... and maybe buy myself a couple small things," She said hesitantly. I couldn't help but let out an awh. I really liked this girl.

"Where are your parents?" Simon chimed in. Her smile flattened and the light in her eyes dimmed.

"Uh, well my foster parents don't actually know I'm here, or that I can even sing. To be honest the only person I've ever sang in front of is Jake and that was by accident cause he walked in on me singing in the hospital lounge," She was talking really fast and it looked like she regretted what she had said.

"Woah slow down there," Kelly said. "So you live with foster parents and you were in a hospital? Care to clarify some?" The look of panic flashed across her face. I shot Kelly a look.

"Well around 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with stage four medulloblastoma which is just a big word for fatal brain cancer. I had a choice of either living out the two weeks I had left to live or going through a brain surgery where I had a slim chance of surviving. I choose the brain surgery. I had to spend 2 days in the hospital before the surgery and the first day I was in there I went into the lounge where they had a piano and a bunch of guitars and I wrote a song and Jake walked in while I was singing it and I didn't notice him until after I was finished. He persuaded me to send in an audition tape before I went into surgery. I died twice in surgery and the doctors almost gave up on me, but they didn't. When I woke up my whole left side was paralyzed. The doctors doubted that I would be able to gain back control of it, but they started physical therapy with me. Everyday Jake took me to the lounge to practice for today without anyone knowing. The doctors were amazed at how fast I was regaining my movement in my left side. I give all the credit to Jake and music. Without them I wouldn't have control of my left side. Actually I probably wouldn't even be alive." I was amazed by her story. She was smiling but she had tears in her eyes. I think I was the only one who noticed the tears.

"So you're cancer free now?" Simon asked.

"Not exactly. They removed 90% of the tumor but I start chemo and radiation in the morning to get rid of the rest of it."

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