Chapter 40

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*The Next Day*

Demi's POV

I tried to get Anna to talk to me some more last night, but she just brushed off my attempts at a conversation. I've noticed that Anna usually wont talk to you unless you talk to her first and even then she just answers your questions and doesn't say anything more. She also doesn't initiate cuddling, hugs, or even eye contact. Well, that is unless she's in one of her like, manic moods. It's almost like she's scared to initiate anything. It's weird because I know her darkest secrets now and she is still really shy around me. Anyway, we are just having another lazy day today. I got Marissa to bring us breakfast and some groceries. Marissa stayed for until around 3:00pm. Mar and I acted like idiots all day while Anna just kind of laid in bed and giggled at us. When Mar left I got in bed with Anna and lifted her up onto my lap. I pulled her into me so she was laying against my chest. After a minute she relaxed and got comfortable on me. I felt her breathing slow down and get deeper. She was focused on the TV now. I tried to focus on the TV too, but all I could think about was Anna. Of course there was the mental side of rape which I know she's struggling with, but there's a ton of medical issues that can happen from being raped. There's so many diseases that she could have gotten from it. She could have an injury that I don't know about it caused from it. Hell, she's 13, she could've even gotten pregnant. What if she's pregnant neither of us know about it? I'm starting to get panicky and worried now. I need to talk to her and get her to a doctor...

Anna's POV

Marissa left. Great, now it's just me and Demi. I know Demi's going to bring up the whole foster dad situation sometime now that Marissa's gone. I really don't want to talk about it. Can't we just leave the past in the past? Surprisingly Demi didn't say anything, she just pulled me onto her lap and we watched TV together. I thought I was going to get out of talking today, but I thought too soon. I felt Demi's heart beat faster as we lay there with the TV being the only thing breaking the silence. Eventually she spoke. "Anna?"

Demi's POV

"Hmm?" Anna mumbled in reply to me.

"I've just been thinking about some things and I need to talk to you about something," I said beating around the bush. I have no problem talking openly about this subject, but Anna's such a secluded person and she's so easily embarrassed that I'm scared of what her reaction might be. She adjusted her body so her chin was laying on my chest looking up to me expectantly with her big, blue eyes. I looked at her and sighed before asking her the question that I've been thinking about the most. "Have you started your period yet?" I blurted out. Anna just kind of looked at me while her face turned slightly pink. I started to regret the way I worded the sentence. I could have gotten the answer I needed from a less embarrassing question, especially for a 13 year old who is already uncomfortable with her body.

"Um no, why?" she asked softly. You could visibly tell she was uncomfortable with the topic.

"Well, you were, you know, raped and everything and I just wanted to be sure that you wouldn't have gotten pregnant from it," I said kind of awkwardly. I noticed her eyes started to water a bit. "Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" I said my awkwardness instantly turning into concern.

"Nothing," she said. "You don't have to worry about me being pregnant. I'll never be able to have kids now anyway thanks to chemo," she said under her breath, obviously not meaning for me to hear it, while laying her head on it's side on my chest and cuddling back into me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. She stayed silent for a bit thinking while I felt a couple tear drops drip onto my chest from her.

"Uh one of the side effect of chemo is that it you physically can't have kids after it," she explained weakly. I should really have talked to her doctor about some of the side effects I should expect her to have. 

"Is that why you're crying? Because you wont be able to have kids?" I asked. She nodded her head. Wow, most 13 year olds don't have to think about things like this. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be only 13 and already know that you wont ever be able to have a family of your own. "Awe baby, it's okay," I said while wrapping my arms tightly around her. I didn't know how to comfort her right now. This isn't something I can control or tell her that it will get better. All I can really do is be there for her I guess. I feel so helpless in this situation. I waited a while before bringing up the next thing I needed to talk to her about. I know she isn't going to be happy about it. "Anna baby, I think we need to take you to a doctor just to make sure you didn't catch anything from Bryan," She instantly shot up and stared at me with a look of panic and shock on her face.

"Demi, no," she said shaking her head.

"Sorry hun, but I didn't give you an option," I said. She kept on shaking her head with tears now falling freely down her face. That's when I noticed how terrified she was. "Woah. Baby, calm down. You're gonna give yourself an anxiety attack," I said as I pulled her back down on top of me. I noticed she was shaking. "Listen to me okay?" I said and she nodded her head a bit. "All they are going to do is take a look and maybe run a couple tests. It wont be that bad, I promise," I said trying to reassure her I felt her take a deep breath.

"Pinky promise?" she said in a small voice while sitting back up to look at me making me crack a small smile.

"Pinky promise," I said holding out my pinky finger. She wrapped her tiny pinky around mine and flashed a bit of a smile. "There's that gorgeous smile!" I said poking her belly. She blushed and crashed back down on top of me, wrapping her arms around me.

"I love you Demi," she said making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She's just too adorable.

"I love you too baby girl," I said and then kissed the top of her head.


Sorry I haven't been updating much. I'm still really busy and stressed about school and everything else going on. Sorry for the kind of short chapter. It's a school night and I'm gonna get yelled at if I stay on my laptop any longer. Comment and vote or whatever... you guys know the drill;) Oh and thanks for almost 6k reads! Goodnight y'all<3

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