Chapter 12

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Demi's POV

It was already semi final week. Diamond had gotten voted off the second week of the live rounds. I was a little mad that almost all my girls had gone home so early in the competition, but it gave me the chance to spend a lot of time working with Anna. She was getting better and better if that was even possible. I'm confident that she could win this competition. She has been really happy and bubbly too. It's great. She is so focused and determined, and she works so hard even if she isn't feeling good. Her health seems to be deteriorating though. She has lost a lot of weight and she always looks tired. She zones off a lot too. She assured me that it was just the side effects of the chemo, but I was getting a little bit worried for her. She hasn't had a deep meaningful song since she sang reflection. Turns out she does extremely well with fun, happy songs. It was so cute when she sang happy songs. A few times she came over to the judges panel while singing and got us all to dance with her. Even Simon got up to dance. It was amazing how entertaining someone so tiny could be on stage. 

Anna's POV

The past few weeks have been a blur. Diamond got kicked off the second week of the live rounds and I was the last one left of the girls. I didn't want to disappoint Demi so I decided I was going put on a happy face and pretend everything was okay. I threw myself into working so I wouldn't have as much time to thing about certain things. I was constantly in pain. I don't know if it was from the cancer or the abuse I was out through. Once X Factor is over I guess I'll let Jake tell someone about my foster parents because then it wont matter if I go to a group home anyway. It is now semi finals week. We have to dedicate a song to someone we are thankful for this week because it's also Thanksgiving week. I'm really nervous for my mentoring session with Demi in the morning because I decided I'm going to tell her about the accident. I was just going to dedicate a song to Jake because I was really thankful for him, but I would feel guilty if I didn't dedicate a song to my family because they had done so much for me and I had never thanked them because I was too busy being a selfish brat and sulking over my own problems. I have the perfect song to dedicate to them if Demi lets me.

Demi's POV

Anna was waiting on the couch doing schoolwork as usual for out mentoring session this week. This week the contestants have to sing 3 songs. One song will be dedicated to someone they are thankful for, one song will be a duet with an artist, and one song will be just anything they want to sing. Anna normally doesn't want to choose her songs so I already have some picked out for her. "Anna, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yep," She said bouncing off the couch. We walked into the mentoring room and sat down to talk about the song choices this week. I picked out a song for her to sing to dedicate to Jake because I'm pretty sure that's the only person she really has who's there for her, but I don't know because she won't talk about her personal life.

"Who are you going to dedicate your song to this week?" I asked handing her the stack of sheet music. I thought I already knew her answer.

"Um..." She stalled. "Actually I was wondering if I could choose my songs this week?"

"Of course! I didn't think you would want to choose. What do you want to sing? I can talk to the producer and make arrangements," I was surprised when she said she wanted to choose.

"Thanks. Well for the duet can we see if we can get Leona Lewis to sing Brave with me?"

"Yeah sure. What about the other two songs?"

"Well for one I want to sing The House That Built Me, and the other I want to sing Hurt by Christina Aguilera and dedicate it to my Mom, Grandma, brother, and sister," She got quite and started playing with her rings when she said she was going to dedicate it to her family. I could tell she was nervous because she always did that when she was nervous. She had never said anything about her family before. I went to grab her hand but she pulled it away so I just gave her a reassuring look and she started explaining.

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