Chapter 26

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*Tuesday Morning*

Demi's POV

I woke up and Anna was clinging onto me in her sleep. It was so cute and I didn't want to wake her so I just stayed there and watched her while she slept peacefully with her her body hugging onto mine. She started to wake up so I grabbed my phone to check the time. It was already 10:45 a.m. Had we really slept that long? "Good morning sleepy head," I said as Anna opened her eyes. When she realized that she was pretty much on top of me she scooted away.

"Sorry," she said looking embarrassed.

"What did I tell you about apologizing? Now go get ready because we are going out to lunch in a little bit," she got up out of the bed not looking at me and grabbed her stuff to go to the bathroom to get ready. We both take a long time to get ready. When we finished getting ready it was 11:30. I finally got to show Anna around the apartment since she was feeling a little better. She followed me intently while I showed her where everything was. When she saw my piano her eyes lit up. "You can play whenever you want," I said to her as she stared at the piano. She just looked up at my and smiled. Once I was done showing her around we went out to my car and left. We went to a little italian place where I knew there wouldn't be paparazzi. 

Anna's POV

Demi took me to an italian place for lunch. Great. I looked over the menu to find something at least halfway healthy. Demi ordered a salad with chicken in it, and a cup of soup. I ended up ordering a cup of minestrone soup. "That's all you're eating?" Demi asked me looking concerned. She used to have an eating disorder so she probably thought I have one or something. I wouldn't call what I have an eating disorder. I'm too fat to have an eating disorder. I thought of an excuse so she wouldn't worry about me. 

"Yeah. If you can't remember I just had chemo yesterday and food still doesn't seem very apatizing," I said. It wasn't really an excuse since it was actually pretty true.

"Okay, but after this we're getting Jamba Juice," I nodded and smiled. I liked Jamba Juice because it was really good and how much weight could some fruit and ice blended up make me gain?

Out food came out. I ate all of the juice out of my soup and left the rest. The waitress came and asked if we were finished. Demi looked to see how much I ate and raised one eyebrow at me. She opened her mouth to answer the waitresses question, but I answered for her. "You can take mine. I'm finished," Demi rolled her eyes at me while the waitress took my bowl. Demi said she was finished and then we left.

"What was that about?" Demi asked when we got into the car. I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"I told you I still don't feel great from chemo," I replied. She believed me and drove to the Jamba Juice around the corner. She went in and got our smoothies while I sat in the car. She came out and told me she got me the same thing as yesterday. I sipped on it during the ride to her apartment. When we got to her apartment she left to get her mail. I went over to the piano and started playing one of the songs I wrote. 

Demi's POV

Anna had barely eaten anything since she's come home. Of course I got worried about it because of my past and thinking about the stress and everything she's been through. She told me that she just didn't feel good from the chemo so I just let it go. When we got back to my apartment I let Anna in and then I went down to get my mail. When I came back up I heard Anna playing the piano. It was a song I had never heard before, but it was gorgeous. I walked over to the piano after sitting my mail on the counter. I sat down next to her and she jumped then stopped playing. "Oops, I didn't mean to scare you. That was really good! What song was that?" I asked. 

"I- uh- um. It's nothing," She stuttered.

"Did you write that?" I asked. She nodded and looked down at her hands. "That's amazing!" I said and she smiled. I left her to go look through my mail and I heard her start playing again. There was an envelope addressed to Anna in the stack of junk mail. The return address was Sony Studios. It was probably her check for winning. I brought it over to her to let her open it. I watched as she carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a check. She looked at the check and smiled. 

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