Chapter 59

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Demi's POV:
After Anna was asleep, I stepped out into hallway to call her doctor.
*Phone Call*
Doctor: Hello?
Demi: Yes, hello Doctor Maxwell. This is Demi Lovato, Anna's foster mother. I have a few questions for you.
Doctor: Okay, ask anything.
Demi: Thank you. Well um, I know chemo like ruins Anna's chances of having children in the future, but she just got her period for the first time tonight. What does this mean?
Doctor: I see, you weren't Anna's legal guardian when she went through her first round of chemo, correct?
Demi: Um, yes that is correct.
Doctor: Okay, so it makes sense that you wouldn't have been informed of any side effects or anything. It is true that chemo can ruin fertility, but it isn't necessarily guaranteed to be ruined. Most people take precautions before starting chemo and have a procedure down to preserve their eggs, but that would have been impossible since Anna wouldn't of had mature eggs to collect before she started chemo. As far as her getting her period now, I'm not exactly sure what that means because it's not my area of specialty. I will say this though, the only way to know for sure if Anna is fertile is to get her tested. Would you like me to refer you guys to a fertility doctor?
Demi: Yes please.
Doctor: Okay, I will call you in an appointment. Does tomorrow work for you?
Demi: Yes, I believe it does.
Doctor: Okay, I just checked and there seems to be an opening tomorrow at 2pm at the fertility center off Main street.
Demi: Okay, that sounds perfect. Thank you so much.
Doctor: You're welcome Ms Lovato. Feel free to call with anymore questions or concerns.
Demi: Thank you. I will.
*End Call*
I knew Anna was upset about not being able to have children and I wanted so badly to run and wake her up to tell her that she might be able to after all, but I also knew that Anna hated appointments like this so I would just have to wait and see how she reacted to the news in the morning. I wasn't going to force her to go to a doctor's appointment she didn't want to go to if she didn't have to. Although, I really hoped she would want to go because I hated seeing how crushed she was knowing that she would never have her own children. It would be silly of her to turn down the opportunity to save that chance.
I walked back into my room, pausing to look at the sleeping girl on my bed. She had dealt with so much. Maybe if she could see a normal future for herself with a husband and kids, it would be enough to get her through treatment. As I did my night routine and crawled into bed next to Anna, I silently prayed she was still fertile. She deserved something good in her life. She deserved a chance.
*The next morning*
Anna's POV:
The sun was streaming through the windows in Demi's room, blinding me. I rolled over, shielding myself from the light. I was expecting Demi to be in bed next to me, but I guess she was already up. She never woke up early so this was weird. Oh, never mind, it wasn't weird. I checked the clock and it was noon already so I guess I just slept super late.
I stretched my achy body out before rolling out of bed and changing my pad in the bathroom. I had to walk slow because I still had some slight cramping in my lower stomach and legs and my back was sore from the biopsy, but as I got closer to the stairs I could smell bacon or something cooking.
"Anna? Is that you?" Demi called from the kitchen.
"Yes." I said in my morning voice.
A moment later she appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
"Wait a second, baby. I'll help you down." Demi said.
"Demi, I'm fine to walk." I argued.
Demi let out a slight chuckle.
"Yeah, remember last time I let you walk down the stairs alone?" Demi questioned.
I cringed when she mentioned that. Of course I remembered. I wished I could forget.
Demi walked up the stairs and slung her arm around me, holding up most of my weight as we walked. She helped me to the kitchen table where I watched her cook up bacon and eggs. Normally I would dread eating, but in the last couple months I had actually been getting a lot better. I mean, don't get me wrong, the voices were still there and I still really wanted to be skinny, but Demi constantly reminded me that I was beautiful and that I needed to take care of myself, so I just ate portioned amounts to keep my physical and mental health in check.
"Hey Anna?" Demi asked, taking me from my thoughts.
"Yeah?" I responded, placing my knuckles under my chin.
"So, about last night. I called your doctor to ask him about you know... you getting your period..." she started, but I cut her off.
"Demi, that's so embarrassing!! Why would you do that?" I asked, sitting up some in my chair.
"Hold on, you didn't let me finish. Remember after you first told me about the uh... incident with your... uh previous foster father?" she asked.
I just nodded, not wanting to think about that.
"Okay, well I remember I was worried about you possibly being pregnant, but you told me you couldn't get pregnant, one because you didn't have your period yet, but also because chemo ruins those chances?" she asked.
"Yeah. I remember." I said, still a little unsure of where this was going.
"So I called your doctor after you got your period to ask him what this meant for your fertility and basically he told me that chemo doesn't always ruin it and that there is still a chance you could have babies one day." she explained.
I was speechless. In that one instant thoughts of having my own family one day swarmed my brain, but were instantly crushed when I remembered that I still had more chemo to do. Surely my chances would be ruined by that if they weren't already.
"But Demi, I still have more chemo to do so I doubt that I will remain fertile even if I am right now." I reasoned.
"That's true, but now that you have your period, if you are fertile, it means that your body is producing mature eggs. Your doctor told me there are procedures they can do to remove the eggs and save them for when you're older." Demi explained.
"What kind of procedure?" I asked.
"Well, I'm not sure exactly, but if you're willing, I have an appointment set up today for us to go see if you are fertile and it's even possible for you to have a procedure." Demi said.
I hesitated. I wanted so badly to have kids of my own one day, but I hated all the things I would have to do. Why couldn't I just be normal and not have to worry about doctors appointments and health constantly?
"Demi, I don't know. This is all so sudden. I want kids some day. I really do, but I'm scared." I admitted.
"I know baby, but why don't we just go today and see if this is even something we should be talking about. They can easily test your fertility and we can go from there. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to, but I also don't want you to regret not doing it one day." She said.
I nodded my head.
"I'll go." I concluded.
"That's my girl. Now, how about some bacon and eggs?" Demi asked.
"Sure. Can I also have some pain killers?" I asked.
"Of course. What hurts?" Demi asked, suddenly turning concerned.
"Well, I just had my back drilled into last night and I also am bleeding from my vagina." I joked.
Demi erupted in laughter. It felt so good to be able to joke about stuff like this. I knew the situation kinda sucked, but being with Demi made everything better.
She continued laughing as she handed me a pill and some water. I happily took them before conquering the small plate of bacon and eggs Demi made me.
"Okay, let's go get ready then." Demi said, taking my plate and washing it after I finished my meal.
I nodded, allowing Demi to help me upstairs to get ready for potentially one of the biggest discoveries of my life: whether or not I could have kids some day.
A/N: Hey guys! This is demiLOVEato22! First of all I wanted to thank you all so much for reading and commenting and voting so faithfully. It's so cool to see!
Okay, so I have 2 questions for ya'll in the comments:
1) I was wondering if you guys could comment your favorite Demi fanfic down below because I really need some more to read. (I've already read both of BeStrong1998s)
2) I would love your suggestions on what you want to see in the future of this book. I'll try my best to incorporate your ideas and if you have a really good one then I'll give you a shout out or something!
Also, I'll be updating more frequently now because BeStrong1998 has been super busy so she gave me access to her account to post on this. Also, if you all read Silence also by her, go comment ideas on her most recent chapter for inspiration!! Thanks!!

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