Chapter 53

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Demi's POV:

"Baby, I'm gonna take you to the doctor." I said, sympathetically.

I felt her body tense up, but I knew I had to take her. It wasn't normal for her to bleed that much.

She pulled away from me and violently shook her head, pausing for a moment after, as if the motion made her dizzy.

"Sweetie, I'm worried about you. We just gotta get this checked out." I said, moving my hands to they were resting on her shoulders.

She slowly looked up at me. Her eyes were glossy and I knew she was about to cry.

"Baby, Why are you so scared? You've been to thousands of doctor's appointments, and this won't even be a bad one." I reasoned.

She just shrugged her shoulders, still holding the towel to her nose. I guess she was in one of her 'keep to herself' moods.

"Come on. It will be fine. Let's get you a new wash cloth and we'll go." I said, taking her free hand and guiding her to the kitchen.

I dug around in one of the cabinets, found a dark-colored hand-towel and gave it to her, taking the blood covered one and throwing it in the trash. Anna didn't seem to be very responsive so I took her hand again, grabbing my keys before bringing her to the car.

I helped her into the front seat and then went around, climbing into the driver's side.

Anna POV:

"Anna, look at me." Demi said once she got in the car.

I slowly turned my head to look at her, even though I didn't want to. I didn't want her to see how scared I was. It's not like I was afraid to go to the doctor. I was just afraid of what we might find out when we got there. I honestly felt like shit and my nose wouldn't stop bleeding. I knew it wasn't normal, but I was just denying it.

"Baby, can you tell me what you're feeling?" Demi probbed.

I didn't want to tell her what I was feeling. Saying it out loud would just confirm my suspicions. I had a feeling though, that Demi was thinking the same thing I was.

"I'm just scared." I mumbled.

"Honey, it's okay to be scared, but I'll be by your side through anything so just relax and let me take care of you, okay?" Demi asked.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. We sat in silence until we pulled into the parking lot of the children's hospital. We parked by the entrance that said urgent care and got out of the car. A dizzy spell overtook when I stood up so I grabbed the car to keep myself from falling. Demi took notice of it and ran around, picking me up bridal style. I still had the washcloth pressed to my nose, but managed to snuggle my face into Demi's chest, enjoying her motherly comfort.

Demi's POV:

I had to carry Anna into the hospital because I could tell she was dizzy. It really worried me, but I figured it could have been from blood loss or something. I was just glad I decided to take her here in case something was wrong. I didn't want to take any chances with Anna because she was important to me. All I wanted was for her to be happy and healthy.

Anna had her face hidden in my chest as I quickly walked toward the urgent care entrance. When I walked through the sliding double doors, the all too familiar hospital smell hit my nose. I hated it. It reminded me of everything Anna's had to deal with. I guess Anna noticed we were inside too because she tightened her grip on me, and nuzzled her face deeper into my chest. I couldn't even imagine what was going through her head at the moment. It was probably a 'worst case scenario' type of thing.

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