Chapter 60

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Anna's POV:

After about 15 minutes of being in the car, we pulled up to a small brown building that had a sign out front that read "LA Fertility Center"

My nerves only grew as Demi parked the car and began to get out. She looped around to my side and helped me out as well- I was still really sore and weak from well, one having cancer and two because of the biopsy incision that was still healing.

Demi placed her hand gently on my upper back and lead me inside to the receptionist's desk.

"Good morning. How may I help you today?" The smiling woman behind the desk asked.

"We're here for an appointment for Anna Brown." Demi answered.

The woman nodded and typed some things into her computer before gesturing for us to sit in the small waiting room.There wasn't anyone else in the room so I figured we would be called back pretty soon. I was right, I didn't even have time to get through a full page of some parenthood magazine that was sitting on the chair.

Once my name was called, Demi stood up and reached her hand down to me. I gladly took it, clinging to her tightly out of nervousness. I mean, Demi explained to me that this would probably be a quick and easy appointment, but it still didn't stop my mind from wandering.

A young woman- probably in her early 30s- lead us back into a room that looked much like a normal doctors office would. She introduced herself as Doctor Peterson and told us to have a seat on the chairs off to the side of the room.

"Okay, can you explain to me why you're here today?" Doctor Peterson asked.

Demi looked down at me and I knew she was trying to see if I would explain, but, of course, I kept my mouth shut and had Demi talk.

"My foster daughter Anna was diagnosed with cancer a few months short of a year ago and her treatment involved intense chemo, which we heard tends to ruin a person's fertility. I actually wasn't Anna's legal guardian when she was going through treatment and she hadn't gone through puberty yet which means that there was really no possible way to preserve her eggs since they weren't mature. Anyway, Anna ended up getting her period last night for the first time and she also has more chemo coming up in the following months so basically we were wondering if there is a chance she is still fertile and if so, can we get her eggs preserved so she can have kids someday?" Demi asked as she explained the situation.

I could feel the Doctor's sympathetic stare on me as Demi talked. It made me super uncomfortable because I hated when people felt bad for me so I just kept my head down.

"First of all sweetie, you are so strong and have so much courage for doing what you're doing."The doctor said.

I lifted my head and forcefully smiled slightly at her as a "thank you".
Demi gently rubbed my leg as the doctor continued talking.

"Okay, so you want to know if your fertile, correct?" The doctor asked. Demi nodded.

"Okay, well I'll need to run some blood tests and do an internal ultrasound to check the condition of the ovaries."The doctor explained.

I tensed up and Demi noticed because she moved her hand from my leg to around my shoulder, pulling my body into her.

"She's uh, been through a lot so is there anyway we can skip the ultrasound? I think it might be too triggering for her." Demi asked.

It was so embarrassing. I hated having to think back to anything my old foster father did and I hated being so vulnerable around other people, but Demi was right, I didn't know if I could handle anything going up my, uh, area.

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