Chapter 64

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Anna's POV:

"Anna, Anna wake up." Demi said gently, shaking my arm.

I groaned and rolled over. My body was sore beyond belief although my back was feeling better from the bone marrow biopsy so that was good at least.

"How are you feeling baby girl?" Demi asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and running her hand up and down my back.

"My stomach is really sore and is cramped, but my back doesn't hurt anymore so that's good." I said.

"Yeah it is. Can I take the bandage off of it then?" Demi asked, placing her hand over the spot the biopsy was taken from.

I nodded, laying on my stomach so Demi had access to my back. She gently pulled the medical tape off, running her fingers over the sight.

"I'm gonna get the alcohol wipes to clean it with then I also need to give you your shot." Demi said, standing up from my bed.

I rested my head on my crossed arms and thought about how much of a burden I had been to Demi. All I've ever done is caused trouble for her and when I finally was starting to see her happy with Bella and stuff, my body just had to go and get cancer again. It was like I was subconsciously an attention seeker even though I so wasn't. Attention was the last thing I wanted and now Demi wouldn't stop giving it to me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved when Demi cared for me and stuff, but it was really getting out of hand.

She came back only moments later with the box of supplies the doctor had given her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing?" I said as more of a question.

I hadn't realized that I was that readable.

"Okay well since we're pressed for time and have a plane to catch I'll let it slide, but we're talking later." She said sternly, opening the kit and pulling out an alcohol wipe.

She gently wiped off the incision sight from the biopsy before asking me to turn over and pull my shirt up.

I did as she said, watching her every move carefully. I wondered how she felt about having to do all this. Did she think I was a burden? How was the constant medical trips effecting her? Normally I'd be worried about the money and stuff, but I knew Demi didn't even have to think about money and that wouldn't be an issue for her, but more on the emotional side, I wanted to know how she was holding up.

After Demi prepped the needle, she sat down on the bed next to me with a new alcohol wipe in hand. She throughly wiped my stomach off and carefully removed the needle's cap.

I could tell with each move she made that she was scared to make a mistake. I watched as she pinched my skin between her fingers like the doctor had said and slowly inserted the needle. I closed my eyes and held my breath until it was over and she had placed a bandaid over the spot.

"Alright, you're all set there missy." Demi smirked, cleaning the kit up and packing it away in my suitcase that was by the door all ready to go.

"Thanks Demi." I said quietly.

"No need to thank me, sweetie. It's my job." Demi said, grabbing my packed bag and making her way out of my room.

Great, Demi thought of me as work so she defiantly needed this vacation. Now, if only my body could hold up so she could catch a break. I would never forgive myself if I ruined this vacation for Demi and Bella like I did everything else.

A/N: Sorry this update is a little late, but technically it's still Saturday so it's not too bad haha. So with this schedule thing, I'll do my best to update every Saturday, but, if you'd like an early update you can vote and comment and if the goal is reached I'll update before Saturday!

Next Update: Saturday
Early Update: 30 votes and 5 comments

- demiLOVEato92

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