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After the Merle incident, everything at the prison was relatively calm -- as calm as a prison in a Zombie Apocalypse could be

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After the Merle incident, everything at the prison was relatively calm -- as calm as a prison in a Zombie Apocalypse could be. Katy felt as if she had been accepted as a real member of the group and she liked that a lot; the relationship between her and Daryl was progressing calmly and she liked it very much. 

She wondered how long everything could stay calm.

Looking for a familiar face, she walked outside and noticed that a few members of the prison were coughing harshly, she furrowed her eyebrows having never noticed that before. Daryl was talking to a kid around Carls age and when Katy walked towards her unoffical boyfriend, the dark haired boy was walking away.

She noticed the rare comical look on Daryl's face and raised her brow. "What are you smirking about?"

"He just thanked me for catching our food." He told her. "I'm kind of famous."

"Shutup Dixon."

Those words had became a kind of catch-phrase for Katy and although they had originally annoyed Daryl, he had grown to love the teasing that occurred between them. He had never been able to smile as much as the brown-haired woman allowed him to.

"What's going on today?" She asked him -- he always knew everything that was going on. 

"I'm going on a run." He informed her. "Beth's new boyfriend is coming." 

"Guessing you're not happy about it." She saw the unamused look on his face.

"Dunno what he's like." He shrugged.

"She told me about him and he seems okay."

"But, your guy's famous."

They both laughed together, automatically leaning towards each other as they did so.

"Maybe you should date one of your admirers then." She raised her brows with a daring look to go further.

"Or you should hug your extremely popular boyfriend goodbye."

She pushed him away despite the joy she got from the playful side that didn't reveal itself so much. Daryl fought easily against the force of her nudge and engulfed her into his arms.

"Stay safe." She said quieter.


Much later, Katy was walking along the hall of the prison where people often showered; it was always quieter in that part of the prison and that day it seemed to have a very eery feeling about it.


She followed the sign curiously and with an anxious feeling building up in her stomach. Each step seemed to be a long one as if she could feel that the peace that had been made was about to be broke.

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