The Perfect Honeymoon

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I woke up to Ricky shaking me awake. I groaned and turned over to my side, pulling the pillow over my head. His constant shake annoyed me and I finally shot out of bed.

"What!" I spat.

"Time to get up. It's our honeymoon, remember?" His voice was so sweet compared to mine and I smiled.

"Sorry, I forgot." I whispered.

"It's okay. Our bags are in the car. I'll wait for you to get ready." He gently pulled me out of bed and led me to the shower. Clothes were already waiting for me to change into when I came back out. I found Ricky reading a pamphlet about Hawaii when I finally emerged from the bathroom.

"Ready?" He grinned innocently and I laughed.

"Let's go." I reached for his hand and we walked down to the car. The drive to airport was quiet but in a good way. We found our gate and boarded the plane, all ready for our week in Hawaii.

"So what's the first thing you want to do?" Ricky's fingers played with strands of my hair. I watched them dance around since they were right in front of my face. His 'hopeless' tattoo stuck out against his white skin and my black hair only made him look paler.

"Sleep," we chuckled softly, "or eat. I would like to walk on the beach. But it doesn't matter really. As long as I'm with you."

I cooed and looked up towards his face. He had a sloppy grin and I kissed the bottom of his chin. We settled in for the rest of the plane ride and finally was able to leave for our hotel room.

Ricky picked the tallest, most expensive ocean side hotel possible and carried me into the lobby. We were in the middle of laughing when the hotel lobbyist gave us a strange look.

"Mr. and Mrs. Olson, please."

"Your room is ready and your number is 367." She smiled at us and we made our way to the elevators. Finally, we found our room and I ran to the bed. I slowed myself down a bit for Scarlett and laid down. Ricky joined me soon after and we wrapped our arms around the other. I buried my face into Ricky's chest and closed my eyes.

"Maui is beautiful." I mumbled.

"I agree." Ricky kissed my hair and I felt Scarlett move. I smiled and slide my hand down to my belly. We sat in silence for awhile before Ricky's phone rang.

"Okay." He replied. I looked at him in wonder and he smiled reassuringly.

"Get up." He pulled me out of bed gently and we stumbled to the door.

"Why? It's getting late." He never answered my question as we continued to walk to the beach. I could hear the ocean near by and the white sand was soft beneath my feet. We rounded the corner and that's when I noticed the food, the fire, and the dancers. A man wearing no shirt and only a grass skirt came up and greeted us, slipping a lei over my head. Ricky laughed as he pulled us to the middle of the circle.

The fire burned brightly with oranges and yellows flying and each woman danced beautiful beside it. Ricky attempted to mimic them and only failed, causing me to laugh. In an overwhelming manner, food was brought to us on various geometrical plates, all with different smells. Scarlett turned away at the fish smelling ones and threatened to toss my cookies if I got too close.

Before I knew it, all the dancers, cooks, and musicians left and it was just Ricky and I. He snaked his arms around my waist and pressed my back against his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder and our black hair blended together. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and smiled.

The fire made his skin a little flushed and his gray eyes were bright against the dark surrounding us. I felt him pull me closer as he nuzzled his face into my neck.
"What are you thinking?" He mumbled against my skin.

"Well...," I paused and looked up towards the sky. It was a beautiful purple black and stars were thrown shamelessly around.

"Well?" Ricky brought me back to reality.

"Well," I drug out the word, "I'm thinking about how crazy we are."

"Crazy?" Ricky looked at me and chuckled.

"Yeah. Having a baby, getting married... I can't even find matching socks in the morning. How am I going to handle a baby and a musician for a husband?" I turned around so our chests were together. Ricky looked down into my eyes and I wondered how the height difference happened.

"Maybe the questions is," Ricky lowered his face to my neck again and placed a few soft, sweet kisses before continuing, "how are we going to handle you?" I looked at him in confusion. "Well you're stressed out about a baby. Scarlett will be perfectly fine and she'll probably flip shit if you flip shit. I'm fine. I'm counting on you. I have a beautiful wife and a beautiful baby. What more do I need? It's just you now, babe. You're the only one stressing out."

Ricky's words made me think. Was I really freaking out for nothing? Maybe he was right... Maybe I really didn't need to freak out. I had Ricky and I had Scarlett. The only thing I did need to worry about was whose baby it was. But that didn't have to happen until she was born.

Ricky wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laughed.

"You're right. I'm so sorry. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's go back because it's fucking cold."

I laughed and we walked our way back to the hotel. Ricky suggested we watch tv and I put on the Walking Dead with a devilish smile. He rolled his eyes but joined me eagerly. Half way through, my eyes got heavy and I gave in to sleep.

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