I Said I'd Never Let You Go And I Never Did

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{Song: Have Faith In Me by A Day to Remember}

The room was completely silent and I sighed in my sleep. I wasn't dreaming about anything but I wished I was. I heard the click of the bedroom door and I slid my hand to the side to find that Ricky's spot was empty. I turned to the other side and fell back asleep. Suddenly, I was woken up by someone shaking me.

"Wake up." Ricky whispered sharply in my ear and I groaned. I pulled the pillow over my head but he grabbed it.

"Rick, I'm tired. Please let me sleep."

"No," He whispered as he pulled my arms, "I'm taking you somewhere."

"Where?" I kept my eyes closed and laid on my back.

"I'm not telling you." I could hear the smile in his voice and I opened one eye to see him holding a black dress. I sat up.

"What's the dress for?"

"You'll find out. Go put it on." He pushed me out the bedroom and into the bathroom. I could hear him outside the bathroom so I regretfully showered and tried on the dress. It fit perfectly and made my stomach look smaller than it was.

I glanced at the clock and decided to leave my hair natural. I guess I slept longer than I thought as it was already 1 p.m. We made our way to the car and he drove.

"Where are we going?" I looked at him but all he did was smirk. I gave up and sat back in the seat for the rest of the drive. We finally arrived at a restaurant and Ricky nearly ran inside while pulling me along.

"What's all this for?" I took in the beautiful lights and food all around us. Waiters and waitresses moved through the crowds effortlessly with smiles that never faltered. A picture perfect waiter sat us and left us to figure out what we wanted to eat.

Instead of reading the menu, I looked around. I found the piano that produced the calming melody just below the elaborate chandelier. The millions of crystals sparkled bright from the dim lights and it set a fitting mood for the outfit Ricky had me in.

I watched his eyes scan the menu and he finally glanced up at me. He shot me a grin and continued to read.



"What is going on?"

"I'll tell you after dinner. What are you getting?"

I quickly scanned the menu and picked the first picture I saw. It was pasta with grilled chicken and steamed vegetables. I pointed at it for Ricky and he nodded. A waitress came by and took our orders and left us some white wine. I wasn't really sure what Ricky was trying to do but I wanted to know.

"Ricky seriously, what's going on?"

He placed his hand on mine and smiled. "I'm not telling you."

I rolled my eyes just as the waitress came back with our food. Wow, that was fast. We started eating and I figured now was the time to ask again.

"Will you tell me now?" He shook his head and continued to eat. I growled and ate in silence.

* * * * *

After dinner, Ricky walked me to a park with an oak tree. There was a blanket underneath it and I looked around to find no one but us. Ricky sat down and patted the spot next to him. I sat with him and wrapped my arms around myself from the slight wind. He must have noticed and wrapped his around me.

"Will you tell me?"

I heard him sigh but he eventually smiled. He propped himself up on his knees and looked at me. "Well yesterday I was forced into being your boyfriend." He laughed and I tried to keep from smirking. It slipped and he grinned before continuing.

"So I figured it would be best to ask you in a more mature and official way. So I planned this all with Claire while you slept and she bought the dress you're wearing. I took you to dinner and I wanted to sit here and watch the sun set but you wanted to know."

By then the sun had set and I frowned. "Well we missed it now." I laughed and Ricky pushed me lightly.

"Anyway... I know I fucked up when I left you. And I regret that and I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you. But I would really like it if we could give things another chance. Would you give me that opportunity?" Ricky's voice shook with nervousness and he chewed his lip. I laughed and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Of course I will." His face broke out into a grin and he hugged me hard enough to make me fall to the ground.

"I won't let you go this time. I promise." He whispered in my ear and I wrapped my arms around his waist. We settled on watching the stars but gave up when it started to rain again.

Claire was already asleep when we arrived home. I decided to sleep in my dress and laid down in the warm blankets, waiting for Ricky to come to bed. I could feel the thoughts coming and I tried my best to ignore them. I sighed in failure and let them flood into my mind.

What would Chris think when he sees Ricky and I together?

Did I move on too fast?

Maybe this isn't right....

No, it's right. You're having his baby.

At least I think I am...

Ricky came back and laid beside me. He kissed me and instantly my mind went at ease. Within minutes, Ricky was asleep. I smiled and watched him.

He was finally mine, all over again. Nothing to mess this up. Just him, me, and our baby.

I placed my hand on my stomach and smiled at the weird feeling I seemed to always get. My eyelids tried to fight off the heavy feeling but I eventually gave in and fell asleep.

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