You Thought It Was Over But It's Just The Beginning

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I could hear Ricky's soft snores beside me as I woke up. I kept my eyes closed though in the hope of falling back asleep but the baby wouldn't let me. I had a strange feeling going on in there and I tried my hardest to ignore it. Unfortunately, the feeling was adamant.

"Ouch..." I whispered. I moved out from underneath Ricky's arm and he shifted.

"What's wrong?" He laid his hand on my shoulder but I moved away. I sat on the edge of the bed and held my stomach. The pain continued, like a sharp pinch and nausea. I whimpered again and ran to the bathroom. Ricky joined me seconds later and kneeled beside me on the tile floor. I leaned over the toilet even though nothing was coming out.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Ricky sounded worried so I rested my hand on his thigh.

"I don't kno- ouch! Yes, okay. I need to go." I groaned some more and grabbed my stomach. Ricky rushed to grab a few things and we walked as quickly as we could to the emergency room. Thankfully, since it was so early in the morning, a doctor was available right away to check on me.

He smoothed the disgusting gel over my stomach again and turned on the screen. After a few moments of silence, he looked at me and smiled.

"She moved."

Ricky gulped audibly. "She? And what?"

"Did you guys not know you were having a female?" We shook our heads and I explained the surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry! Well she just moved, that's all. Nothing serious. She wasn't comfortable so she decided to move to a better position. Both of you are alright."

I sighed a sigh of relief and I could swear Ricky looked like he might just pass out from relief. We thanked the doctor and he excused me to get washed up. I was wiping my tummy dry and kissed Ricky's face.

"I'm glad everything's okay. And we're having a girl!" I pulled him into a big hug and laughed. In return, he was silent and his hug was gentle.

"What's wrong?" I looked him in the eyes. He sighed and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"Just, I don't know. The whole 'whose baby is it' thing is bothering me. I hope she's mine... I'm so involved in this and I've fallen in love with her too. She's not even born yet and I wouldn't be able to stand the sight of her not being my child."

I wiped a tear and gave him a huge kiss on the lips. "This is why I picked you. We can do this.. Together. You and me and..." I trailed off and my eyes traveled around the room. My eyes landed on a book and I smiled from ear to ear. "... And Scarlett Porter."

Ricky's face was still until he smiled. "Scarlett Porter Olson." He scoffed and picked me up in a hug. "I love it!"

I laughed as he swung me around in a dangerous hug. "Ricky! Can we go back home and sleep?"

"Yes, of course!" He laughed and kissed me before dragging me back out to the car. We arrived home again but our nerves were so hyper, we couldn't sit still long enough for sleep.

"What do you think about having a girl?" I turned over and faced him. He was staring at the ceiling, smiling.

"I like the idea. You?"


"How will we break the news?"

"We won't." I smirked as he looked at me. "Since we can't be surprised, we'll surprise them." He nodded his head and pulled me in for another hug.

Once again my wandered to Chris and how excited he would be to hear the news. I wanted to tell him but what would it matter? He would just try to pry his way back into my life and convince me that I wasn't making the right decision.

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