I Do... Don't I?

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{Song: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri}

"You look beautiful." My mother stared at me through glazed eyes and continued to pat my hair down. Her light purple dress was wrinkle free and complimented her red hair perfectly. She matched with her ruby red stilettos and bright red lipstick.

Claire finally walked out of the bathroom in her royal blue maid on honor dress. Her hair was tied up in a bunch of braids and Ryan-Ashley, Kylie, and Isabel, who thankfully made it out here in time for the wedding, walked out with the same look. They all wore red lipstick and with their pale skin, they looked beyond beautiful. Raven hadn't shown up yet nor had she shown for any rehearsals so we didn't expect her to be here.

"Well, are we all ready?" I sighed and stood up from the chair my butt had been in for the last four hours. My nude colored heels felt weird because I hadn't walked for so long but I managed to get myself out the door. We walked towards the hall and I saw my father standing outside the church door waiting for me.

"My, aren't you beautiful, Georgia." My father stared at me in awe and I smiled.

"Thanks, Dad."

"Glad you picked a church even though you're not religious. Staying traditional." He smirked and kissed my head.

"Just for you." I pecked him on the cheek and he opened the door for us. Derek from Mayday Parade began playing the piano since Ricky and I picked 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri as our song for the wedding. Derek's voice filled the quiet hall and after Claire had made her way to the alter, my father nudged me lightly to begin walking down the aisle with him.

* * * * *

I paced the dressing room waiting for all the guys to get ready. Balz finally came out and grinned at me.

"Dude, calm down."

"I'm getting married in," I glanced at the clock and sighed, "twenty minutes."

Ryan laughed and came out followed by Chris, Ghost, and Vinny. They were finally all ready and we quickly walked to the hall. Blaze's dad greeted us and wished me luck before ushering us inside. The guys took their place and I stood in mine, patting my pockets to make sure I had the ring. I took in a deep breath and sighed before I heard the hall door opening. The officiant adjusted his glasses and smiled as he watched the bridesmaids' line up. Ryan's sister threw petals before them all and Claire finally made it to the alter. It was finally Blaze's turn.

I was excited to see how she looked but I was afraid at the same time. Even though I loved her, I wasn't sure if I was ready to tie the knot. Of course I knew I wanted to spend every last second with her but all this was a little too overwhelming.

I looked down the aisle and finally noticed her. Her pure white lace dress clung to her body sweetly and Scarlett was obvious against her thin figure. She clung tightly to her father's arm and my eyes finally found hers. They were covered in makeup but not too much. Just enough to compliment her beauty. Her hair hung in loose curls and I took in a shaky breath. Blaze grinned at me and that's when the moment hit me. My heart beat itself all the way up into my throat and I couldn't believe it.

I was utterly, completely, undoubtably, unconditionally, unquestionably and whole heartedly in love with Blaze. And at this moment, right now, I would make her mine forever. She was all I had ever wanted from the day we started talking in high school. We had History together and we got along in the back of the classroom, away from everyone else. Her brown hair at the time was always stick straight and the side bangs she had always covered her face.

Even though she got shit for dating me, we stayed together. Attended every dance, every school event, hand in hand, proudly. Even when I fucked things up with her, I knew that no matter what I would find her again. It was funny that a year and a half ago I had no idea who she was.

I felt her wipe my tears away and my mind came back to reality. I finished wiping my eyes and refused to accept the fact that her beauty made me cry. The officiant invited me to start with my vows and I sighed before remembering them.


"Yes?" She smiled at me and I wasn't so sure if I could make it through the ceremony.

"I know that times have been rough for you and for me. And I know that I f-ed things up. For that, I'm sorry. I missed you everyday and I still love you like I did before. You're honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me and I never want to let you go again. I lost you once and I refuse to lose you again. I promise to be here for you and Scarlett, forever and always, no matter what." A tear fell from her eye and she wiped it away quickly before starting her vows.

"Ricky..." She stopped herself and took a deep breath. She chuckled before speaking again.

"Ricky, years ago I never saw us standing here, doing this and expecting her." She looked at her stomach and smiled. "And even when we met again, I still didn't see it. But now that it's happening, I'm realizing how much I really wanted this. I wanted you and I wanted everything that came along. All the pain, the loneliness of when you left for tour, the suspense of waiting for you to come back... It gave me something to look forward to. And that was you. I've always loved you and I'll always love you. And I promise that no matter I will never leave and I'll always stand beside you in whatever decision you make me... Forever and always."

Blaze whispered the last part and wiped her eyes. I looked past her and saw Kylie crying. I smiled at her and we looked to the officiant for the rest of this. He smiled and took out his book before clearing his throat.

"Do you, Ricky Olson, take Georgia Roswell to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

The church fell silent and I licked my lips. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"I do."

"And do you, Georgia Roswell, take Ricky Olson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Once again the room was as silent as death. Her pause took a little longer than mine but she finally sniffled and looked me in the eyes.

"I do." She held her arms out to me and I gladly accepted her hand. I took the ring and placed it right on top of the other. Blaze did the same for me and we continued to hold hands as the officiant spoke the last part.

"Then with that, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Olson. You may kiss the bride, Ricky." He grinned at us and I chocked out every emotion I held in the whole time. I pulled Blaze closer and we smashed our mouths together in a messy kiss. We finally calmed down enough to make the kiss count and I felt her wet cheeks against mine.

"Walk back down the aisle already!" Someone in the audience yelled and we broke the kiss with a laugh. Blaze took her bouqet back from Claire and I pulled her back down the aisle. Red roses, just as I had requested, were thrown our way. Each row we passed stood up and congratulated us. We finally made it back out the door and once we did, I pulled Blaze in for another kiss.

"I love you so fucking much." I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you just as much." She whispered in return and I wiped her eyes. I kissed her once more before the girls pulled her away from me to get ready for the dinner and party. As we went our separate ways, I kept looking back to find her doing the same. I flashed her a smile and Chris covered my eyes.

"You'll see her later." He laughed and pulled me into the dressing room. I quickly freshened up and was in a rush to get back to Blaze.

I finally did it. I finally had Blaze all to myself. She was all I wanted and I smiled at the sound of her new name. I couldn't wait to be there for her and Scarlett and I felt like things would be so much easier now. I had all her flaws, all her beauty, and all her love. No more drama, no more frustration and confusion.

Just her and I.

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