Author's Note

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You guys are probably confused shit less right now xD well to clear things up, my best friend @lady_fuentes98 and I decided to mesh our stories. Her's is about Aurora, who is Ricky's long lost sister and she goes on a hunt for him. It's called "Synthetic Love", check it out! It's definitely good and it'll clear up a lot of the confusion for you. The picture of the red haired girl isn't the same picture she used in the story but that's only because I couldn't find it. So I found that one online so you have a general idea of what she looks like cx

So what do you think about the baby?! :D do you think it really is Ricky's? c; can't wait to update more cause there's a lot more shit that's going to happen cx and hopefully I can with school starting soon xc please keep voting and reading and share? I'd like this to get as big as "That Which Doesn't Kill You, Just Fucks With Your Mind" got cx

Thanks so much guys for all you've done and feedback for my story so far would be nice! Love you all!

-D.S. <3

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