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{Song: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri}

"Scarlett, please calm down." I bounced her up and down on my knee and tried to ignore the looks I was getting. For some reason, Scarlett was beyond upset while we waited for boarding time. The airport was filled with people and every one of them that passed by just had to stare.

"Ricky, do something." I slapped his arm to wake him up and he groaned.

"Just give her a toy or something." He mumbled before slipping back into sleep.

"Ricky." I said sternly. He sighed and rolled his eyes before holding out his arms. I handed Scarlett over and Ricky attempted to be happy. I rolled my eyes at his fake-ness but it seemed to be working. Instead of red faced crying, Scarlett was just giving out dirty looks. I kissed Rick's cheek and sat back to count the time. Suddenly, my phone rang and I picked it up to answer.


"Hello, is this... Georgia Olson?" A lady asked politely.

"Yes, who's this?" I stood up and walked away from a confused Ricky.

"Hi, I'm the receptionist at the office where you had to your test done for Scarlett Olson. We have your results ready. Would you like to hear them over the phone or would you rather pick up the packet?"

Her words caught me off guard and I stood still, looking at Ricky who stared back. I'm pretty sure my face had gone white and I struggled to look for an answer.

"Mrs. Olson?" The woman asked.

"Uh, uh, yeah. I'll pick up the packet. I'm about to board a plane home..." I faded out and swallowed hard as the intercom came on and a man announced our flight ready for boarding. Ricky waved at me and I nodded my head in return. "My plane is boarding now. I've got to go. Thank you!" I laughed a shaky chuckle and hung up the phone. I jogged back to Ricky and Scarlett and scrambled to grab my stuff.

"Who was that?" Ricky adjusted Scarlett on his hip and stared at me.

"Uh, my- my mom." I stuttered and walked off.

"Whoa, why are you so shaken up?" Ricky reached for my arm and I flinched. He looked at me in disbelief and I took a deep breath before plastering a smile on my face.

"Nervous. Flying. It still gets to me sometimes." I nodded my head and Ricky smiled.

"You've flown enough times, babe." He grabbed my hand and we walked to our gate.

"Yeah, but I still get nervous." I chuckled and sighed with relief. We found our gate and boarded it. Scarlett had fallen asleep by now and I was beyond ready for a nap.

"Wake me up when the plane lands?" I intwined my fingers with Ricky's and searched the plane for our friends. The whole band was scattered throughout the plane and Chris waved. I smiled back and laid my head on Ricky's shoulder.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I said just before closing my eyes.

* * * * *

I woke up and stretched my arms above my head. The sheets were wrapped around me in a crazy, twisted pattern and I untangled myself before stepping out of bed. I walked downstairs and found the kitchen table set up with breakfast, waiting for me.

A man with black hair was sitting with his back to me on the couch, watching tv. Scarlett was facing him so I could see her face past his shoulder. I heard him mumbling words and she smiled each time he said something. It warmed my heart to see Ricky and Scarlett having time together.

I passed the kitchen and walked up behind the couch. Ricky stopped talking and Scarlett reached up for me. I picked her up and placed her against my body. I leaned over and placed a kiss on Rick's cheek. Everything seemed so dreamy and unreal but I knew this was my life.

"Thank you for being such a great husband and father. I love you." I whispered in his ear and straightened myself up.

Ricky stood up and turned around slowly to face me. He looked oddly tall and my throat locked up when I saw that it was Chris who I was facing.

"I love you too." The voice warped from Ricky's to Chris's and I screamed. Not from terror or fear, but from shock. What was happening?

Why was everything different?

* * * * *

"No." I whispered and woke myself up. Ricky looked at me with confusion and I wiped my face.

"Blaze, what's wrong?"

I ignored his question and turned around in my seat to find Chris. He was sound asleep by the window and I sighed, turning back around.

"Blaze. What's wrong?" Ricky touched my face and I looked at him with sadness.

"I had the weirdest dream..." I didn't finish my sentence because the flight attendants cut me off to give us a time estimate on how close we were to our destination. I shook my head and hugged Ricky as close as I could.

We finally arrived home and I ignored everyone except Claire. Kylie and Ghost had a date so she couldn't come along with me to receive the results. So Claire and I walked into the office alone and I made my way to the desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady smiled at me with the same voice that called me.

"I'm Georgia Olson." Was all I said before she nodded her head and grabbed a Manila folder off her desk.

"Ah, yes. Here you go Mrs. Olson. Please read it over and if you think there is any false information on it, let us know."

I smiled and mumbled a thank you before running to the car with Claire. She was barely inside when I was already half way done tearing it open. I took out the papers and skimmed over it. There was a bunch of test results on Ricky and Chris but I didn't care about those. I wanted to know who the father was.

Claire turned on the radio just as I found what I was looking for. My wedding song came on and my eyes filled with tears. Memories of Ricky and I flashed through my head and Claire touched my arm.

"Blaze?" Her voice was far away as I played everything over again.

I still remembered sneaking on the bus and running into him. I remembered the way he smiled and I remembered the smell of cigarettes and cologne. I remembered how much we didn't talk but wanted to. I remembered the first time he tried to kiss me. That mix up of emotions. I remembered our first fight, when I finally told him the truth. I remembered when we finally found a way to work things out.

I remembered almost dying in the accident and when Ricky and I kissed in the hospital room. I still remembered that night at my parents house when I thought everything was over. And most of all, I remembered the night on warped tour when we were alone on the bus. I remembered the way me touched me, the way he kissed me, the way he loved me. I remembered every detail of our wedding and every detail from then on.

I thought of him and Scarlett and how well the fit together. I thought about how I didn't see this before.

"Blaze, answer me! What the fuck?" Claire punched my arm and I looked at her. I blinked away the tears and wiped my face before showing her the paper. It took her awhile to realize what it said. When she did, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Let's go." I whispered and started the car.

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