This Was Just The Beginning

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{Song: Everybody Sells Cocaine by Motionless In White}

I woke up and covered my head with my blankets. This was the first day off from our last tour we were on and I was excited to spend it sleeping. I glanced at the clock and it read 12.

Still sleeping. I thought and laid my head back down. A knock came on the door downstairs and I groaned. Maybe they'll go away.

Unfortunately, they didn't. Another knock came, this time more insistent. I threw my blankets in anger and put some pants on. I didn't care about a shirt- maybe all my tattoos would scare them away. I slowly walked downstairs and opened the door. Blaze stood there, her dark hair covering her face as she looked away from the door.

"Oh, you are home. I was beginning to think you weren't." She smiled at me and her eyes wandered quickly over my bare chest. I smiled small and turned around.

"Come on in." I walked to the kitchen and I heard the front door close. She was already in the kitchen with me when I turned around so I looked towards the coffee pot.

"Coffee?" I cleared my throat to rid myself of the coat of sleep that still lingered. She nodded her head and I could tell this visit wouldn't go well. I started the coffee machine and excused myself to find a shirt.

I came back downstairs and found her sitting at the table with a blank look on her face. Something was bothering her and I was afraid of what that might be. What could possibly be wrong? She had two kids and a husband.

"So what's up? Why are you here?" I sat down across from her and waited for her to look at me. She finally did and she shrugged.

"Just to talk to you. There's something serious that you need to know-"

The beep of the coffee machine interrupted her. I shot up to get us a cup and came back. I set hers down in front of her but she politely ignored it.

"So what do I need to know?" I leaned on the table and placed my chin in one hand. She sighed and slipped the sides of her hair behind her ears. She had gotten a trim so her hair wasn't as long as it used to be. I liked it.

"Well..." She started but stopped. I raised an eyebrow and she scoffed. "I don't know how the hell else to tell you this, and I should have you told you years ago but I was afraid. I don't know what I was afraid of but I was. And I'm screwing you over by keeping this from you so you should know... You should know-"

"I should know what?" I cut her off and leaned closer. I wasn't exactly sure what she was getting at but it made my heart race.

"You should know that Scarlett is yours. She's your baby." Blaze was so quiet, I wasn't sure if I heard her correctly.

"What?" I asked even though I knew what she said.

"You are Scarlett's father." Blaze avoided my eyes and stared into her cup of coffee. I closed my eyes for a bit and sat back, sighing. What do I say? I was Scarlett's father. I AM Scarlett's father. I should be excited. By why did this stress me out?

Every feeling I had ever had for Blaze passed through me. I still loved her but now I knew why. I loved her because of Scarlett. I didn't know consciously but somewhere in my head, I knew. And now that we knew for sure, I could let go off all this confusion.

"Does Scarlett know? And Ricky?" I mentally rolled my eyes at my own stupid question.

"Scarlett knows. But Ricky doesn't. Yet." Blaze refused to look at me.

"When are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know..." Blaze covered her face with her hands and started crying. I got up and wrapped her in a hug.

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