'This is the most wonderful thing anybody has ever done for me,' Luke said gently as I was now lying on his chest.

'You're welcome,' I said gently as I turned to face him, my lips immediately met with his. I wasted no time climbing onto him, so I was gently pressed up against him, his arms wrapped tightly around my back, not letting go of me anytime soon.

'Do you want to?' Luke asked and I nodded.

'Of course.'

'Okay just checking,' he said with a slight smirk as he swiftly removed my shirt, before attaching his lips to my neck, earning a small gasp fro me as I gripped onto his back.

I quickly helped remove Luke's shirt before we were suddenly flat against the bed, no space between our eager bodies.

'Oh just get on with it,' I slighted begged as he removed my bra so slowly that it was driving me insane.

'As you wish Sienna,' Luke laughed as I blushed red before Luke's efforts became quicker but still steady.

If my first time with him was perfect, the second time was even better, if that is even possible. Being sober and one hundred per cent aware of what is fully happening made it that much better. I had disregarded how good a soft kiss on the inner thigh felt and how Luke's grip on my waist made me feel so secure and relaxed.

Luke was kind and gentle, once again. He made me feel like we were the only two people in the world that truly mattered, and for that, I loved him even more.

'You all good?' Luke asked me as we lay in the teepee, the multitude of blankets covering our bare skin.

'Of course, I am,' I said tracing my index finger up and down his arm. I had never been in awe of someone before but Luke made me mesmerised.

'Better than the first time?' Luke asked before he kissed my head, pulling me closer to him if that was even possible.

'I think that this will get better every single time we do it,' I giggled before placing a quick kiss on Luke's lips, before pulling my clothes back on, because it was absolutely freezing.

'So, what are we doing for dinner?' Luke asked as he poured us both our second glass of champagne, both of us now fully clothed.

'YOU are doing nothing, I, however, will be making dinner for us inside,' I said with a smile as I pulled Luke up off the ground. 'So let's go.'

We headed back into the kitchen, where I started to make pasta for the two of us when it had hit me. I had forgotten to give Luke his birthday presents.

'Oh my god,' I said as I dumped the spaghetti into the pot.

'What? What is wrong?' Luke asked sounding slightly alarmed.

'I forgot to give you your birthday presents!' I exclaimed as Luke just laughed and shook his head at me.

'You didn't have to get me anything Si,' he said kindly and I just rolled my eyes at him, before gesturing to the kitchen table where I had left all his presents, all carefully prepared and wrapped by yours truly.

I ended up getting him an Oxford sweater since I knew that was where he wanted to go to study after high school. I also made him a mix tape of our favourite songs, plus a few other clothes, a set of new guitar picks and a piece of paper that had some very important information on it.

'You are coming to visit me?' Luke asked with a grin on his face.

'Well, I know you are going to choose Oxford, you would be an idiot not to,' I said stirring the pasta sauce as Luke came and wrapped his arms around my waist. 'So, I guess I will be spending Christmas with you and the boys next year.'

'Best birthday ever.'


cuTE love them such a wholesome chapter tbh 

next couple of chapters are going to be fairly chilled but then some more drama to end the story because that's what we like X

anyways thanks for reading please comment and vote xxxx

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