I know the time away will give Malachi the chance to focus fully on the problems surrounding us, as well as help me see things in perspective. I need space to think, to breathe, to be myself without everyone looking over my shoulder criticising me. Being home for a few days with my parents will be just what I need, my bones can feel it already and I can't wait to be surrounded by my peaceful gardens and meadows again.

"Good. I guess I should give Alpha Kaiden a call, and get formal clearance to enter his territory," Malachi smiles wryly.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. No more trespassing from the both of us, huh? But... you should try email. Phone service is terrible in our pack. I mean their pack. My old pack," I give a shaky laugh and avoid his eyes as my words keep tripping over themselves. This whole situation is stringing me tight, and I just want to move on from it.

"Sure, I'll do that." he gives me a warm smile, his eyes sparkling as sunlight spills into the bedroom, glinting off the glassy surfaces.

We get ready quickly, each with plans for the day filling our mind. After heading down to have some breakfast, I chop fruit and toast some muesli for the both of us. Beta Hamilton soon joins us and we all discuss the plans. It is decided that Beta Knight will drive me to the border, and from there I can easily walk to my parents' place. It isn't far and I've done it before.

Hamilton is still munching on food when Malachi heads off and I tidy up the kitchen, with no sight of Seneca around at all. I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps I just imagined what I heard last night, that Luna Seneca was just being nice to me and I misconstrued everything she said to what I was thinking she meant. Maybe my own imagination really is getting the best of me, and I need to rein it in before it makes me do something foolish.

Like going home.

But she isn't the only reason I'm going home, I tell myself as I watch Hamilton check his watch for the tenth time in as many minutes. I want to see my parents and friends, catch up with the Alpha family, give Malachi space to sort out what's going on...

"You waiting on someone?" I ask when Hamilton again pulls out his watch.

"Harlow. She was supposed to meet me here after she went for a run this morning. I don't think she's just going exercising with friends, I think it's something more and I'm worried about it."

"Something more, like... she's meeting a guy friend?" I take a guess, getting the vibe from Hamilton that there's more to this story.

"You women are always jumping to conclusions, aren't you?" he frowns at me.

"Is that your way of confirming I'm right without actually saying it?" I arch an eyebrow and smile innocently.

Hamilton gives me a sidelong glance then rolls his eyes. "Maybe."

I chuckle, then grow serious again. "So who is he? Obviously you don't like him very much."

He snorts and runs a hand through his messy locks. "He's so much older than her, and they're not even mates. I don't see the sense in spending so much time with someone who's not your mate, but she assures me she just likes hanging around him. That he's lots of fun."

"And is that such a bad thing?" I know it's hard to come across good friends, especially ones that make you laugh despite so many troubling things going on.

"Well, if he reads into it too much, or tries to take advantage of her, it's definitely a bad thing. I don't want my baby sister getting hurt by someone who doesn't care for her like a mate would."

"Good point. And she won't tell you what's going on?" I wash up his plate when he finally slides it into the sink of soapy water.

"She's all coy smiles and witty remarks when I ask her anything, telling me all sorts of things but the actual truth," he sighs heavily, leaning against the counter, and I feel his frustration. Harlow sounds not too dissimilar from Luci. Their tastes in adventure and unattainable men is shared and I know it can be a dangerous passion.

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