Chapter Thirteen

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"The ache for home lives in all of us

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"The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."

The day has finally come, myself and Bebe were walking around talking about my wedding that wasn't far away now, and then her wedding as well to Edward, I was pissed I was not told this or asked about a blessing but whatever. Bebe holds a pin and pricks her finger a single drop of blood appears. Bebe touches her finger to the side of a tree. She and I move up the trail to the next tree, touching it was well. A cold wind blows. The clouds above are dark. We continue, making our way to the clearing as we emerge into the empty field, she touches another tree. Edward comes up behind us.

"You're going overboard." He states as he looks to her, his eyes filled with concern but filled with a possessive look as well.

"I said the same, but she said it's all she can contribute, she just wants to be thorough. And it will give us an advantage, they'll be more lost and scattered," I state and Edward nods. 

"The newborns will be frantic. Now let me put a bandage on that." He states and reaches for her left hand. She pulls it away, worried.

"It's okay. Don't make yourself uncomfortable." Bebe whispers keeping her hand close. I shake my head at the pair, I knew Bebe was still hurt about the whole leaving her behind thing, so was Edward. But I am happy that nothing could change their love for each other at least.

"It doesn't bother me anymore." He whispers.

"Since when?" Bebe questions shocked as he takes her hand. Puts a bandage on it. I am also wondering this as well, her blood practically sings to him, how. 

"Since I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead." He answers and continues to hold her hand. Gives her a quizzical look. "You're not wearing your ring." 

"Well, I didn't want to risk losing it." She mutters.

"Or risk Jacob seeing it?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders. 

"I think we should wait to tell him. I mean, at least till after the fight." Bebe whispers. I smiled at her understanding, but Jacob still wouldn't understand, he doesn't want to understand.

"If you're having second thoughts..." Edward starts, worry filling his voice.

"I'm not. I just want him to have a clear head." She says, neither of them noticing Jacob.

"Whose head is unclear?" Jacob says, the pair spin to find Jacob across the clearing. He approaches.

"Nobody's, I hope." I state with a smirk. Edward and Jacob nod curtly to one another, and Jacob comes over hugging me. Jacob eyes the cloudy sky. Edward does the same.

"Alice says there's a storm coming." I say, with not a care in my voice.

"Yeah, I can feel it. We should get going." Jacob answers.

"I'll take the longer route. But I'll get there first. Set up camp." Edward says and Jacob nods. Edward turns to Bebe, searing her face for ambivalence or surety. Finally, he kisses her forehead. "I'll see you in a couple of hours." He whispers, and grabs her bag and some gear, and quickly leaves. Jacob eyes Bebe.

"Something up?" Jacob asks us. I shrug in response.

"A bunch of vampires trying to kill me." Bebe says as though it was old news.

"Same old, same old." He says and the pair share a smile as he slings her onto his back.)

"Hey, be careful you two, and Jacob please no fighting," I order, Jacob gives me a quick nod. "Remember this is to protect her not have her hurt," I mutter knowing he'd hear, I see him give a nod and he is off, Bebe looking back to me with furrowed eyebrows.

I smile before running off as well, I approach my home and walk inside, everyone sat around in silence, but they all were ready. "They've left, it's us now and the wolves," I say, everyone smiles and nods. Everyone's faces go grim. "Oh, don't pull the grim face, I can't handle it," I groan.

"Well, sorella not everyone has been in the amount of wars we've been in." Nik says, smirking.

"Forgive me oh great and powerful hybrid, the man who started all wars," I say dramatically, gaining a few giggles, from my family. "F'rgive me 'r most wondrous and pow'rful hybrid f'r all wars we combated, i the mistress tooketh thy men and hath raised those folk from the ashes and madeth those men square and winneth the wars." I started, my voice posh and sweet. The families faces lighting up as I joke around.

"Break thee off thee alas brat," Nik growls, he's eyes though filled with amusement.

"I'm so glad I made you all laugh," I state with a smirk adorning my face.

"Thanks mum, I think we needed that," Rosalie whispers, before turning and starting a conversation with Emmett, now everyone was filled with a softer tone, tonight we won't stress tonight we live with an air of calm.

"I have a feeling you have done this to many times," I hear Carlisle whisper, his breath hitting my neck, causing a shiver of delight to race down my spine.

"Well, when you're a hunter and a general, you kind of get the feel of a room, you learn how to make someone feel better." I answer turning to face him, my arms wrapping around his waist, his arms doing the same.

"I love you," Carlisle whispers kissing me on the lips softly.

"I love you too, but you best be saying that because you can and not because you think you won't live because I will hurt you," I state with my eyes narrowing onto him.

"I'm saying it because I love you and I can," he says a smirking sliding onto his face.

"Good," I said a grin on my face.

"Get a room!" Emmett shouts before running out of the room.

"One second sweetie, I have to go hit someone," I said, wide grin on my face. "Emmett! I'm coming to hit ya!" I shout before running after my son. The family room filling with laughter, yes tonight we live with an air of calm. Tomorrow is the on coming storm, I hope we all pull through.

Translations: Forgive me oh great and powerful hybrid for all wars we fought, I the woman took your men and raised them from the ashes and made those men fight and win the wars.

Shut up you damn brat.

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