Chapter Twelve

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"There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart

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"There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying."


By the next day I stood next to Jasper a few paces away watching the exchange between Jacob, Bebe and Edward. They're in the centre of the field.

"You're not fighting? What, you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob asks condescendingly.

"He's doing it for me. Okay?" Bebe states and Jacob looks at her, at Edward, shakes his head with disdain.

"Whatever. Just tell me the plan." Jacob grunts and both Jasper and I step forward.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent. It needs to end here." Jasper states, relaying the plan myself, Nik and Jasper of course came up with.

"Edward and I are going on a campsite. Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up our scents." Bebe continues.

"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward states, his words meaning to be rude.

"Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks." Jacob says, his eyes narrowing in on Edward.

"What he means, is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me." Bebe says, as she quickly steps in trying to stop them from fighting.

"Done." Jacob answers, not even a second later.

"This is not a good idea." Edward groans.

"Edward. They won't want to get anywhere near his... odour." I state, with a smirk towards Jacob, but my eyes glaring into his.

"Okay, let's just try it." Bebe says feeling slight tension. Edward finally nods. She extends her arms to Jacob. He grins, picks her up, holding her tight.

"Eau de wolf, comin' up." Jacob says, with a smirk now resting on his face.

"Run." Edward orders, and Jacob is gone, running into the woods.

"This will work," I say as both Jasper and I wait to follow. After two minutes we enter the woods. We run around for awhile trying to pick up the scent, but we don't. We both come running out back to Edward.

"All I picked up was wolf stench. No Bella. This will work." Jasper states.

"I did get hints of her but, he smells that bad it stopped me from trying to find her." I stated.

"Great." Edward grumbles. After we meet back up with Bebe we head home, Bebe going to her home and myself and the two boys going to ours.

I stretch as I walk inside seeing Nik and Emmett arguing over who is the strongest, Rose was reading a vogue magazine, Esme was fixing some of the décor around the home and Carlisle, my darling future husband reading a wonderful book, I think. I skipped over to Nik and Emmett and stood next to them as they faced off.

"Let's be honest here boys, I can kick both your asses, I could even do it when I was still human, so suck it," I said smiling and slapping them both upside the head. The pair groaned in pain but dropped the subject as I left them to sit with Carlisle.

"Hello beautiful," Carlisle whispered as I curled into his lap hugging him tightly.

"Hello," I answered smiling brightly. Carlisle chuckled as I snuggled in closer, I inhaled his scent, putting it to memory.

"God you two are so adorable," I heard someone say before screaming and getting off Carlisle's lap, taking my sister down to the ground, my voice filled with happiness.

"Bec's I missed you so much!" I cried as I dry sobbed onto my sister, her sobbing as well.

"My little muffin I've missed you too," she whispered as we stayed on the ground sobbing.

"Wait how'd you get inside the house?" I asked as I sat up getting off my sister.

"Well, I got here before you did and your darling fiancé let me in," she said. "So surprise!" She cheered, as I hugged her tightly again.

"Don't go," I whispered.

"Well, I am here for a wedding, but I did hear something about a war, and Klaus didn't start this one." Bec's said with a cheeky grin aimed at our brother.

"Okay they weren't my fault," Nik groaned. Both Bec's and I giggled at his lame excuse until I spoke up about an embarrassing moment. 

"Hey at least you weren't executed for eating the Queen's cheese." I giggled.

"Oh my god, seriously!" Bec's exclaimed, laughing loudly.

"Yeah, and I didn't even do it, it was serving boy, but he was so young and so I took the fall for him," I said shaking my head. "I still dream about it sometimes. Not always but there are those times," I giggled.

"Oh man," Nik said shaking his head. "You and that golden heart of yours, no wonder you're paired with him," Nik moaned. "You two are, both, golden hearts, nothing evil," he muttered.

"I resent that," I whispered folding my arms in front of me.

"What else have you done in you past mama bear?" Emmett asked grinning at me.

"Gotta be more specific baby bear," I said.

"How many wars?" He questioned.

"Eh, too many to remember," I answer a wide grin spreading across my face. "Though I did enjoy hunting during the war, people back then thought I was killing the enemy or something."

"Any lovers?" Bec's asked.

"None, Eva said my mate wasn't here yet and I needed to wait for him." I said smiling softly. "And he's the best mate I could have ever had," I whispered smiling.

"Any supernatural friends you have?" Rosalie asked putting down her vogue.

"I'm friends, with two werewolves, maybe more, a banshee, a hunter as well and Stiles," I said with a wide grin. "Ah Stiles, I miss him, actually you'll all be meeting them soon," I giggled. "I can't wait to see Stiles, he is such a goof but so great," I stated.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Emmett questioned staring at my shaking form. My memories of myself and Stiles being goofs floating around in my head.

"No one you need to concern yourself with," I said grinning madly.

"I'm back!"

"Hey Alice," I greeted still giggling.

"We all have to clear out tonight to feed, Bella and Edward are gonna stay here while we do just that okay," Alice ordered, and everyone nodded agreeing.

"Well, sister I shall take you where we can have some humans and not be killed by wolves ready?" Nik asked turning to Bec's.

"Lead the way," she grinned, and both were gone. The others following as Carlisle and I walked out calmly, hunting when we found an animal and just enjoying the night away. Until the war begins.

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