{Foreign Feeling..}

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Jungkook's p.o.v

I couldn't stop thinking about that day, that Omega, it was crazy to even think about. Omegas were real, this was the only thing swimming through my head. That spark...what the hell was that? I've never felt that before, it was foreign. This is all confusing.

"Jungkook....Jungkook?" I was so deep in thought, I didn't noticed my best friend Yoongi calling my room.

"Earth to Jeon Jungkook. Hello?" He punched me in the arm, breaking me out of whatever that was.

"Ow, what the hell was that for!" I winced, punching him back in retaliation. "Do you not realize how strong we are idiot, it felt like every bone in my arm just shattered." He laughed at me, calling me dramatic, I glared at him. This jerk thinks it's funny.

"Well, I was calling you for like three minutes, what had you so deep in thought that you didn't hear me?" He said, nudging my shoulder.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" I answered nonchalantly, still staring off into space. He  looked at me with an eyebrow cocked in a different direction than normal. "It obviously isn't just nothing,  so tell me. What's bothering you?" I sighed. Should I telling him? It's not some crazy news I just discovered. Wait was it? I don't know, I'm still really confused right now.

"Okay, I will tell you but will you promise not to tell anyone, I mean no one, not even Jimin?" I begged, that's not something I usually do but I don't want this to get out.

"Umm do you want me to die? I can't just keep something from Jimin, he's my mate. He'll kill me if he knows I kept something from him." I rolled my eyes. Such a crybaby. "Please this is serious like really serious...and I don't think it is good for people to know." He sighed but nodded. "fine but if I get my ass kicked because he finds out, then I will personally crush every damn bone in your dominant arm." I gave him a thumbs, he wasn't kidding either, he'll do it. Yoongi's scary when he's mad.

"Okay, remember the other day when I went hunting by myself?" He nodded, snorting under his breath a little. "Yeah and you got your ass yelled at, it was kind of funny to witness first hand, you were scared shitless." I shot him a glare. I'm going to kill him.

"Don't laugh stupid......anyways while I was wandering around I heard cries of another wolf, so me being my nosy self, I followed it. He was being cornered by two wolves by sun kiss. Yoongi...he was beautiful, he had white fir, it was absolutely gorgeous."

"He looked so scared, looked so helpless..." Yoongi said nothing, he just listened, nodding every once in a while, signaling me to continue if I stopped talking for too long.

"He told me he was an Omega, which shocked me because I just thought they were just a myth. He told me that he was in heat, I still don't really know what that means, I assume it's like our rut. But now ever since that day I can't get him off my mind and when I touched him, I felt a spark, a connection. I didn't understand it.

Yoongi just stood there shocked not saying a word. "Yoongi....Yoongi. Hello? Say something!"

"This isn't a joke right this Omega is real? you really saw him?" I nodded. "Do you know his name?" I shook my head. "No I never got to that point." He nodded, for a while he didn't say anything. He looked like he was deep in his thoughts. Why is he so bothered? "Do you know what pack he is from?" I nodded. Why does that matter?

"Maybe, he looked like he was from the crystal pack. It just a guess." Yoongi hummed, rubbing his chin like he was concentrating.

"Why did you want to know?" I just wanted answers. To what exactly? I don't know. "Because I think Jimin knows this Omega." Wait really?

"How?" He face palmed and shook his head. "Do you not remember that Jimin came from the crystal pack?" I nodded. Oh. I forgot. "I forgot sorry." He hummed....again. Can he just speak real words?

Jimin came running over to us, calling our names. "Hey guys guess what?" He sounded all excited. Not unusual for Jimin though. He was always getting excited for things.

"What baby?" Yoongi said trapping his arms around Jimin's waist, it makes me envy them, I still haven't found my mate yet, I was supposed to last year but it turned out that none of our pack members were so there is a high chance I will never meet them. Maybe they died...I don't know I try not to think about it much.

"Some of my old pack members are coming to stay here for a while. The alpha just made the announcement."

"Why?" He shrugged. "I don't know I heard our pack got attacked so they came to the closest pack, they want the younger members to be in a safer spot."

"Who attacked them?" He shrugged again. "I don't know, don't ask me."

"I'm sooo excited, I get to see my brother." He kind of sounded sad. "What is wrong baby?" A tear dropped. "My pack was attacked and my parents tried to protect him, they were hurt....he's all alone" Yoongi hugged him tight and I patted his back.

"Is he one of the wolfs coming to live with us?" He nodded. "Then he will have you, don't worry he isn't alone." He nodded. "I also need to tell you something about him and you can't tell anyone." Yoongi sighed.

"Here we go with another secret." Jimin pulled away from his embrace and looked confused. "What do you mean by another secret?" He shook his head. "Nothing continue what you were saying."

"He is an Omega so we need to protect him, a couple days ago he was in heat so he went into the woods and two wolves from the sun kiss pack tried to claim him. We think that pack was the one who attacked." The Omega I helped the other day?

Was that Omega I helped Jimin's brother?

Well a big mystery, not really I'm pretty sure you guys know the answer. Hope you guys are enjoying this. I'm writing what comes to my mind so don't hate me if it sucks. 💜💜🤗

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