Sapphire vs Weiss

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Y/n: Still need me to stick around?

Saph glanced out from under the pillow, nodding, before hiding again. I smiled slightly, glancing over to the others. Jessica looked like she was analyzing this way too hard, Matt looked like he couldn't understand what was happening, and Connor was grinning like an idiot. The others seemed pretty indifferent.

Jessica: Spit it out Y/n! Is it true!?

Y/n: Why are you yelling so much? I'm right here.

I closed my eyes, holding my chin as I thought about if I should tell them. I wasn't sure if Saph wanted to keep it a secret or not. But with these 6, I was pretty comfortable letting them know. Saph's team and I were close friends at this point, and I trusted Lars and Percy to not care very much. But then... There's one more problem. I looked over at Connor, seeing his look he had since starting the commotion. Whether I tell him or not, he knows already.

Y/n: It's true.

The words slipped out before I could make any effort to stop them, watching as Jessica seemed to die inside and Matt collapsed on the floor. Connor only grinned wider and laughed a bit as I could nearly feel Sapphire start to overheat.

Lars: Boss, I think we have a visitor.

I looked over at Lars before feeling a presence at the door. I walked over and opened it, seeing Weiss standing there. She was just about to knock, as she had her hand up. She put down her hand and put on a quick smile.

Weiss: Oh, hi Y/n!

Y/n: Weiss, what are you doing here?

Weiss: I-I was looking for you. I thought we could study together today...

Y/n: Well-

Connor: Sorry, he's already busy with his girlfriend!

Weiss' eyes widened as she looked past me to see Sapphire with a blush on her face. I looked toward Saph before looking back at Weiss. She had a shocked look on her face.

Y/n: Weiss?

Weiss suddenly turned around and ran off. I was caught off guard, so I didn't run after her. I looked back at Connor, seeing he was just as surprised.

Percy: Good one Connor.

Connor: I didn't know she was crushing on him too!

Matt: Y/n, you should go talk to her.

I gave a look to Saph, seeing her nod. I nodded back, turning around and walking out. As I walked down the hall, I heard a thud. I moved quicker, going around the corner to see two big guys holding Weiss against a wall.

???: Alright Schnee, time you learned your lesson!

I glared towards them. Weiss looked my way, seeing me as I slowly walked towards them. She looked back at the two that were holding her and smirked.

???: Something funny, Schnee?

Weiss: Not yet.

They tilted their heads in confusion before looking back behind them. They froze as they saw me, walking towards them. The air became heavy and they two struggled to stand. I stood over them now, igniting my Lightsaber as I held it at my side. They looked up at me, fear apparent in their eyes.

???: I-I'm sorry...

Y/n: I don't care.

I spoke coldly, my right eye glowing a fierce golden orange. I raised my off hand and a burst of lightning shot out, hitting the two frozen bodies in front of me. They began to spasm and shout out in pain as I shocked them. After a few seconds, I stopped electrocuting them and they got up, running away. I sighed, my vision returning to normal as I put away my blade. I walked over to Weiss, holding out my hand to help her up. She took it reluctantly as I pulled her up.

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang