Identity Revealed

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A/N: Hey guys! So today is the day of the exam! And you get the honour of plotting revenge against your supposed 'sisters', Ruby and Yang!

Yami: Are they actually going to die though?

A/N: I guess the reader will have to read on to find out! I'll get right into it now! Enjoy!

Ruby's POV

I was walking down the hallways with Yang heading to the cliff for the exam when I spotted that masked guy from the other night.

Ruby: Hey!

He seemed to notice I was calling to him as he turned slightly and looked at me for a moment. I got up to him quickly and started asking about his weapons. He seemed to get irritated though because he grabbed one of his swords and lit it, showing off the glowing red blade. Instead of giving me a chance to check it out, he pointed it at me.

Mask: I suggest you make some distance between us before my blade does.

I nodded nervously and ran back to Yang.

Yang: What's wrong with Ruby?

Ruby: Scary...

Yang looked over to the masked guy as he lowered his blade and turned it off, clipping it to his belt. Yang walked over to him and I just tried and failed to pull her away.

Yang: Hey.

Mask: ...Do you want something?

Yang: Do you have some problem with my sister?

Mask: She was being annoying.

Yang gave him a closer look and he seemed to get bored as he began walking away, but Yang stopped him by grabbing his arm.

Yang: Why are you wearing a mask?

Mask: None of your concern.

Yang: Are you scared of people seeing your face?

Mask: You have one chance. Let go of my arm.

Yang: Why won't you answer my que-

Suddenly, Yang stopped talking and I noticed she seemed to be uncomfortable. She held her neck a bit before falling to the ground, struggling to breathe.

Ruby: Yang!

I rushed to her side as she took in a deep breath. I looked up at the masked guy and noticed he was holding both of his swords. He ignited them and pointed one at us.

Mask: Don't make this mistake again. If you do, you'll be dead where you stand.

My eyes widened as he put away his swords and walked away. Yang got up and looked at him as he left.

Yang: How did he...

I thought about what he said before I realized that what the mask guy said was just like what he said all those years ago.


After walking away from the two girls after force choking Yang a bit, I met with Weiss at the cliff.

Weiss: What took you?

Y/N: Got held up.

Weiss seemed to accept that as Ozpin gave his speech. When he said we had to kill everything or die, I smirked knowing it would be a bloodbath. As students started launching some blonde guy was nervously asking questions about how we would get down before he was launched. I chuckled to myself before I was launched. As I was in the air, I saw the wench speeding through the air with her gauntlets and smirked. I reached out and pulled my hand downwards, sending her down to the trees faster. After chuckling for a bit, I flew over the forest and landed down at the ruins. I took the black king piece and smirked before hearing the sounds of battling deep in the forest.

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon