The Start Of Beacon

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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm here again with my great new idea for a story! Since I've never done an abused and neglected reader story, I could use your guys' input if you have any ideas or anything to help me make this as entertaining as possible!

Yami: This chapter will be after that 7 year time skip! Now you can know who I'll be!

A/N: If it's not obvious already.

Yami: Right, well I don't want to wait any longer!

A/N: I'm sure the reader doesn't either! Enjoy!


-Seven Years Later-

I've been in this town now for 7 years. I'm now 17 and my sister, Yami, is 16 just behind me. I've had a very fulfilling life here and my mom and dad, Elizabeth and Daryl, have played a huge part in that. Since I got here, dad seemed very insistent on making sure I was able to stand up for myself. He taught me to fight with dual straight swords and helped me to get the hang of my semblance. I learned there was a lot to my semblance, as I could do more than manipulate things with my mind. I could also produce lightning from my hands and communicate with animals.

While communication with animals was not something I used often, I figured it would work for Grimm. After extensive training, I learned to communicate with a Beowolf and Ursa. I also found these two gems in a cave one time two years ago, while I was lost because I went looking for Grimm to fight. I went into the cave and got lost before finding the two gems. I learned after getting home that they were some kind of energy sources, and I had a weird vision of me using it to build a weapon. After acting out the vision and creating my weapons, I had two very nice laser swords. I called them Lightsabers.

I also made a combat outfit for myself with mom's help and now I was known around town as the protector of the village. Over time, the villagers accepted me and now I was known by everyone for my skills with my blades and ability to ward off any Grimm. Some called me the village hero, others called me the Dark Mage. Despite the name Dark Mage, everyone loved me like family.

Now, it was time for me to leave. I had attracted the attention of Beacon's headmaster and got an invite to join his academy. My parents were overjoyed when they got the news. My sister was a little upset that I was leaving, but I promised her that I'd come back whenever I could. However, I wasn't worried about the village, as I had personally trained some warriors in the village and saw to it that they could face off with the Grimm. I was now leaving the village, boarding the bullhead sent to get me. I waved goodbye to all the villagers as they saw me off. As we flew away, I looked down and saw the brand I left in the village.

 As we flew away, I looked down and saw the brand I left in the village

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Y/N: I'll make you guys proud. I'll bring peace to this world, I swear it.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N force spinning Chibi Blake in the air

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu