Will I Stay?

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A/N: Hey guys! So last we saw you, you had found Revan's Holocron and now you're gonna get some real sith training.

Yami: Wasn't Revan against the sith in the time when he died?

A/N: I think so, but remember. It's a Sith Holocron. Can't have the Jedi spirit in a dark side Holocron.

Yami: Right... What's up with the name of the chapter?

A/N: Should be pretty obvious, but for those of you who don't really get it, I'll tell you. You have to either accept that Yang and Ruby will be at Beacon with you, annoying you for your time here, or you leave and be a bounty hunter type. Anyways, we'll just have to see where it goes! After all, I've got OC's to introduce! Also, I've left a little treat for you at the end! Enjoy!


After getting the Holocron with Revan's Spirit in it, I went back to my room, sitting down against the wall and closing my eyes, quickly falling asleep. I was woken up the next morning by a shaking. I opened my eyes groggily to see Fox shaking me slightly.

Fox: Time to wake up, man.

Y/N: Right... Just give me a minute...

I groaned as I stood up, stretching my stiff back before grabbing my mask and cloak. Before I could throw on my cloak, I saw the rest of the team waiting on me.

Y/N: You guys didn't have to wait for me.

Velvet: Sure we did. Can't have you missing classes!

I smiled a bit before looking at my cloak and mask. I decided to leave them in the room and just wear my armour. I don't need people tripping over my cloak. After I put down my stuff, I walked out with the four teammates as we made our way to our classes. I had Combat while they had History.

Y/N: See you guys later.

Coco: Good luck with Goodwitch!

Velvet: By Y/N!

Fox: See ya.

Yatsu: Goodbye Y/N.

We all waved at each other before I entered Goodwitch's class. I was early, so not many people were in here. The professor seemed to notice me as I walked in, coming to greet me.

Goodwitch: Hello Mr. Storm. Nice to see you here early.

Y/N: You can thank team CFVY for that.

Goodwitch: I'll be sure to give them your regards when I see them. By the way, did you not get a uniform?

Y/N: Oh, no, I guess I forgot about that with everything that happened yesterday.

Goodwitch: Understandable. So, how are you feeling?

I sighed and noticed Goodwitch's faint concern on her stoic face.

Y/N: I'm good. Some fighting will help take my mind off it.

Goodwitch: Good. If you're ever struggling with that, Professor Ozpin is always in his office.

Y/N: Right. Thanks, professor.

She nodded to me as I went to a seat near the front and sat down. I pulled out my purple saber and began checking it. I looked at all the components, tested the strength and made sure everything was clean.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N throwing Cinder down a hole

After class started, Goodwitch started talking about aura and semblances and such but was interrupted by none other, than team RWBY. I glared slightly as my right eye went gold again. They walked in, Ruby and Yang stopping to look at me for a second before sitting down quietly. Goodwitch lectured them a bit before continuing with the lesson.

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now