Sapphire vs Weiss

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Nice: Hey guys! So I left you with that cave last time, and now it's time for what, frankly, we all want.

Yami: You won't admit you want it, but you do want it.

Nice: That's right, it's a lovers feud!

Yami: TIme for Weiss to get her shot in the spotlight... Sorta.

Nice: Yeah... Sorta... Enjoy!


Y/n's POV

As Saph and I got off the Bullhead, I noticed that she hadn't let go of me since we left the cave. She still had a tight grip on my arm, so I figured her vision must have been what shook her up like this. As we walked towards the school, we saw Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch talking about something. I ignored them and focused on Sapphire. As we were walking through the halls, I had wrapped my arm around her to comfort her. As we neared her dorm, I saw Weiss walking by. She looked over at me with a slightly annoyed look. 

Y/n: Hello Weiss.

Weiss: Y/n.

Weiss kept walking by, looking agitated. I'd grown used to her usually bitter attitude, but it felt off for some reason. Putting the thought aside, for now, I took Saph to her dorm room. 

Y/n: Are you going to be ok now?

Sapphire: C-Could you stay with me for a bit?

I smiled, petting her head.

Y/n: Of course.

We both went inside her dorm, seeing Jessica and Matt were playing cards while Grey was chatting quietly with Lars. Percy and Connor were also here, doing their own things.

Y/n: Hey guys.

Connor: Sup?

Jessica: Y/n, Saph! Perfect timing! Wanna watch me destroy Matt?

Matt: Hey, you're not destroying me! I won the last game!

Jessica: I just let you win! Just watch!

Saph and I chuckled at their antics before sitting down. Connor kept looking over at us, giving me suggestive looks. 

Y/n: Alright Connor, just spit it out. What is it?

Connor: I didn't realize we had a couple in here!

Everyone suddenly froze, stopping what they were doing and staring at Connor with a shocked look. He looked at them all with a confused face.

Connor: What? Am I really the only one who noticed!?

Jessica: N-Noticed what exactly?

Connor: These two! They're totally a couple!

Connor was pointing in a very exaggerated way at us. Jessica and Matt both looked even more shocked now.

Matt: HUH!?

Jessica: Really!? Our shy little leader got a boyfriend before me!?

Sapphire was starting to blush heavily, trying to hide her embarrassment behind her hands. Lars and Percy looked over curiously at the commotion, while Grey didn't pay very much attention. He seemed to just be glancing over and listening slightly.

Sapphire: U-Um... W-Well, the thing is... U-Uhh...

Saph gave up on trying to explain, restoring to just falling onto her bed and hiding under her pillow. I sighed, walking over and sitting next to her.

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now