A Visit

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Nice: Hey guys! So, last time I left you with a cliffhanger!

Yami: Yeah, you made me show up and then ended the chapter there.

Nice: Yeah, and then I left to focus a bit more on my Creepypasta story. Anyways, this time we'll see your decision now that your little sister is there.

Yami: Doesn't the reader always make the same choice in these stories?

Nice: Yeah, usually. But the reader will have to read on to find out if I follow the trend. Enjoy!


3rd Person's POV

Y/N: Yami?

Yami: What's going on? Why are you hurting him?

Y/N: This doesn't concern you.

Yami: Y/N, please...

Y/N: I need to finish this.

Y/N grabbed Tai in a force choke, lifting him up as he reeled back his blade. Yami grabbed his arm, stopping him from striking Tai.

Yami: Please, don't hurt anyone!

Y/N: Yami, he needs to suffer! Don't you remember when I came to you all those years ago!?

Yami's eyes widened.

Y/N: He's the one who hurt me! It's time I returned the favour!

Yami's grip loosened enough for Y/N to get his arm free and bring his blade down, severing Tai's left arm from his body. Tai screamed in pain, gripping his side where his arm used to be.

Y/N: Hurts, doesn't it? But that's nothing like the pain you made me suffer through. Don't worry, you'll know soon enough.

Y/N reeled his blade back again, only to use it to block a shot from Ruby. He looked at her, seeing her with her sniper up.

Ruby: Y/N, this isn't you!

Y/N: SILENCE! You think you know me!? It was I who languished for years thinking of nothing but you! Nothing, but this moment. And now... the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of us. I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain!

Y/N then shot lightning at Ruby, knocking her to the ground as he lifted Tai up. Ruby reached out as Y/N smirked and sent Tai forward. As Tai was about to pass him, Y/N turned and thrust his blade into Tai's stomach. Tai reached out for a moment before going limp. Y/N deactivated his Lightsaber as Tai dropped to the ground. Y/N held his smirk as Ruby ran to Tai's body. He was alive but barely.

Yang looked to Tai and then to Y/N before her hair set fire and her eyes turned red. She screamed and launched herself at Y/N, reeling back a punch. Y/N noticed and slid out of the way before shooting lightning at her. She fell to the ground before getting up and attacking again. However, before Y/N could reel his Lightsabers back to kill her, Yang was suddenly electrocuted. She dropped down, revealing Yami to be the one to electrocute her.

Yami: Y/N...

Y/N: Yami... I'm sorry, but it was necessary.

Yami: No it wasn't!

Y/N: You weren't there! You didn't live through the years of abuse I did! I kept this from you so you didn't have to carry the burden with me.

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now