Fear Leads To Anger

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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm here now with a new story! Since I'm almost out of stories to write now, I'm finally putting this out! With less and less stories to deal with, I can update more regularly!

Yami: Until exams and studying counter all that...

A/N: I guess that's true... Anyways! This chapter is the prologue where we pick up when you kick some much-deserved ass and unlock your semblance! The dark side of the force! Well, the powers of it anyways. You have the outfit and lightsabers of Darth Revan, one of the most badass mother fuckers I've seen in the Star Wars universe!

 You have the outfit and lightsabers of Darth Revan, one of the most badass mother fuckers I've seen in the Star Wars universe!

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This is the outfit you're rocking after the 7 year time skip!

This is the outfit you're rocking after the 7 year time skip!

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These are your lightsabers! They will both be made during the 7 year time skip!

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These are your lightsabers! They will both be made during the 7 year time skip!

A/N: One last time before we get started! I don't own these images! I'm just lazy and I used a quick google search for Darth Revan lightsabers! Enjoy!


Why? Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? These were my only thoughts at the moment, as I tried to rationalize why my supposed family treated me like trash. For almost as long as I can remember, my life has been nothing but hell. A hell with no escape. My family used to be a nice, normal family. Then, with the disappearance of my mother and the death of my stepmother, things went downhill fast.

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now