Forest Of Forever Fall

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Nice: Hey guys! Finally back again! So this is going to be the Forever Fall Forest chapter! It's been an undisclosed amount of time since Yami and your parents visited and Yang and Ruby haven't stopped trying to apologize. Tai was patched up and sent home, not being allowed back at Beacon because of what he did. With confirmation from Yang, Ruby, and Y/n, Ozpin knew exactly what happened down there.

Yami: Wait, Ruby and Yang ratted out Tai?

Nice: Yup. Tai ruined their apology, which was so close to working, so they really didn't want to do what he said.

Yami: So they only tried to help him before because they were scared?

Nice: More like confused, but it's the same basic idea. Anyways, the girls are still trying to apologize, and you're slowly beginning to believe they're telling the truth. If I keep going, there won't be anything left to put in the actual chapter, so this is it! Enjoy!


3rd Person POV

After the fiasco in the woods with Tai and Y/n, as well as a sweet early reunion with Y/n and his family, some time passed with Ruby and Yang taking greater strides towards making Y/n forgive them. Blake and Weiss have been able to understand them more after seeing how his hatred has affected them. The two sisters were haunted by nightmares of Y/n leaving and such, constantly waking up in cold sweat. It got to a point where Blake and Weiss decided to lose sleep in order to comfort the two. It wasn't until today that Y/n learned of the condition of the two from Blake, who tried to appeal to both sides.

Blake: Y/n please, I know you don't like them, but they really are sorry.

Y/n: Sorry doesn't cut it.

Blake: Then what does? Those two have tried so much to make you forgive them, but it's never enough for you!

Y/n: You try living as I did as a child, then get back to me.

Blake: Y/n, it's almost been a whole 2 months, please. Their nightmares are proof enough!

Y/n sat there in his dorm while Blake went off at him. He was clenching his fists, trying so hard not to give in.

Y/n: N-No... There's no way-

Blake: They ratted out Tai for what he did! They're why he's banned from seeing you or them!

Y/n: They... They did?

Blake: Yes. Weiss and I both agreed that we can believe them and trust them. But they want your trust.

Y/n sat there, his mask in his hands as he looked at it. He glanced over at his bag, noticing the glow of the Holocron, so he got up and walked over to it, blocking Blake from seeing. He pulled the Holocron out of the bag, looking at it as it pulsed, showing Revan was trying to contact him.

Y/n: Blake. Could I get a few minutes alone?

Blake: Not until I get my answer.

Y/n sighed, putting the Holocron in the bag as he walked over to Blake. He kneeled in front of her as he put his hand out.

Y/n: You will leave.

Blake: What... What are you... Doing?

Blake seemed to be struggling to speak normally. Y/n reached towards her head.

Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now