"Hello", I said politely and tried my best to smile at him.
"Hey, uhm, my name's Jungkook. We moved in yesterday and my parents wanted me to come over to say hello", he said and I nodded.
"Nice to meet you Jungkook. I'm y/n", I said.

"Oh, my parents wanted me to give you this as a gift", he said and handed me a self-made cake.
"Thank you", I said and wanted to take it, as he suddenly stopped me.
"You're bleeding", he said and grabbed my wrist.

"Oh that's nothing, it's fine", I said and wanted to pull my arm away but he didn't loosen his grip.
"Did something happen?", he asked, suddenly sounding pretty concerned.
"I was cleaning up some shards and accidentally cut myself, so it was my fault", I said and he nodded slightly.

"Y/n, are you done making breakfast? What is taking you so long?", my father suddenly yelled, making Jungkook even more suspicious.
"Do you... Do you need help?", he asked carefully.
"What? No! It's not like that, I'm fine, it's just... Complicated I guess."

"Do you need someone? Do you want to talk it out?"
I looked at him and thought about it for a moment. For weeks I haven't talked to anyone except my dad and to be honest, he wasn't really helpful.
"Actually, that would be nice", I answered and he nodded.
"But let's go out somewhere. Are you new in the city? I could show you around."

"I am, we moved here from Seoul. I just need to grab some things and then I'll come back to pick you up, alright?", he said and I nodded in response.
"Don't stress yourself, I need to make sure my dad's okay anyway. So see you in a bit", I smiled and got back to making breakfast for my father while he walked back home.

As I was done I brought my father his breakfast and made sure he was eating.
"Dad, I'll go out for some time, if anything is wrong, call me okay? I'll come back and take care of it", I said and looked at him.
"Yes. Take care", he shortly answered and started eating.

I looked at him for a while until the doorbell rang a second time this day. As I opened it, I was standing in front of Jungkook again.
"Are you ready?", he asked and I nodded. Quickly I put on some shoes and went out with him.

"So, you live here with your father?", he asked carefully, probably worried to say something wrong.
"Yes. My mother passed away about three months ago. Since then it's only my father and me", I said, instantly putting my guard up, getting even more emotionless than before.

"Oh, I'm so sorry", he said and looked at me worriedly.
"Don't be. You can't change it anyways."
"Can I ask how she...?"
"She was struggling with cancer for some years and it slowly got worse. She always managed to fight it, up until that day", I said and bit my lip.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes and quickly looked the other way. Never has my guard broken that fast, but being with Jungkook made me feel like I was safe. Which was pretty ridiculous, since I knew him for about 40 minutes. But something about him felt different and it was stressing me out because I didn't know how to deal with it.

Suddenly he placed his hand on my arm and stopped walking. I looked at him confused while he asked calmly: "Did you ever really talk to someone about it?"
I had to think about it for a few moments before I shook my head.
"Our old neighbors tried to support me and my father but I guess you can't count that as really talking it out."

"Listen, I know we don't know each other for a long time, but if you want to you can always talk to me alright? You got no one to talk to and I don't know anyone my age here except for you, so I guess it's fate that brings us together", Jungkook said and grinned sheepishly.

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